Translation of the song Mi-e tare dor de tine artist Compact
Mi-e tare dor de tine
I miss you very much
A mai trecut un an prin noi
Another year has passed for us
A fost si soare-au fost si ploi
It's been both sun and rains
Important este c-ai stat cu mine
It is important that you stayed with me
Pastrez atatea amintiri
I keep so many memories
Eram frumosi ca doi copii
We were beautiful like two children
Mi-e tare dor de zilele senine.
I miss the clear days so much.
Iti amintesti cum te chemam
Do you remember how I used to call you?
Bateam ca ploaia calda-n geam
I used to knock on your window like the warm rain
Mi-era atunci asa de dor de tine
I missed you so much then
Doar vocea noptii se-auzea
Only the voice of the night was heard
Si-a celuilalt care-ti spunea
And for the other who was speaking to you
Sa-l lasi in pace nu e pentru tine
Leave him alone, he's not for you.
Te cheama gandul de vrea
The thought of wanting calls you
Dar oare-ai putea
But I wonder--would you be able
Sa vii iar langa mine
To come near me again
O lume doar pentru noi
A world just for us
Pentru noi doi
For us two
As cauta cu tine
I would seek with you.
Nu pot sa cred ca nu mai vii
I can't believe that you're not coming any more
C-a fost o joaca de copii
That it was a children's game
O clipa sterge tot ce-ai scris o viata
A moment erases everything you wrote in a lifetime
As vrea din noapte sa iesim
I would like us to go out from the night
Un astru sa ne-nchipuim
To imagine a star
Si sa-ti ofer o alta dimineata
To offer you another morning.
Te cheama gandul de vrea
The thought of wanting calls you
Dar oare-ai putea
But I wonder--would you be able
Sa vii iar langa mine
To come near me again
O lume doar pentru noi
A world just for us
Pentru noi doi
For us two
As cauta cu tine
I would seek with you.
A mai trecut un an prin noi
Another year has passed for us
A fost si soare-au fost si ploi
It's been both sun and rains
Dar important este c-ai stat cu mine
But it's important that you stayed with me.
Pastrez atatea amintiri
I keep so many memories
Eram frumosi ca doi copii
We were beautiful like two children
Mi-e tare dor, mi-e tare dor de tine
I miss so much, I miss you so much...
Te cheama gandul de vrea
The thought of wanting calls you
Dar oare-ai putea
But I wonder--would you be able
Sa vii iar langa mine
To come near me again
O lume doar pentru noi
A world just for us
Pentru noi doi
For us two
As cauta cu tïne
I would seek with you.