Translation of the song Barbagal artist Italian Folk
Barbagal l'e 'ndait l'era ancura noit.
Barbagal left when it was still dark,
dili din don dilidon poura mi.
dili din don dilidon poura mi.
Cul bunet an s'j'oi l'e munte a cavel.
with his cap on his eyes and riding a horse.
dilidin don dilidon poura mi.
dili din don dilidon poura mi.
e folli' folla' follero.
e folli' folla' follero.
e follero 'llero llì.
e follero 'llero llì.
o bun om barbagal pour'om.
o bun om barbagal pour'om.
dili din don dilidon pouri mi.
dili din don dilidon pouri mi.
Cun le braie curte e cul pintun 'n man.
With short pants and his two-litre bottle in hands.
A criava a tuta forsa sun 'n rabadan.
He shouted at the top of his voice I'm a good for nothing
A guardelu curi curna fusa 'n rat.
Watching him run as if he had been a rat,
A gnaulavu i can a baulavu i gat.
The dogs were mewing, the cats were barking.
Sel cluche la noit a fasi ciadel.
On the steeple at night he would make a racket.
A crava fort i sun mi 'l pi bel.
He shouted loud The most handsome is me.
Quandi che 'l Munvis a l'a 'l capel.
When the Monviso has its cap on (1)
O ch'a fa brut o ch'a fa bel.
The weather will be bad or it will be fine.