Translation of the song Fior di cucuzza artist Italian Folk


Fior di cucuzza

English translation

Pumpkin Flower

Lu sacciu ca nun aiu chiu vintanni

I know I’m not 20 anymore,

E lu me cori è chinu e dispiaciri

and my heart is filled with grief.

Oi pacchianella bella di tia m’annamurai

Oh, you pretty country girl, I fell in love with you,1

sempri vicinu a tia io vogliu restari

I want to keep close to you forever.

Fior di cucuzza, la donna a 15 anni è mezza pazza

Pumpkin flower; at 15, a woman is half crazy,

E dopu 15 anni è pazza tutta, fior di cucuzza

and after 15, she is completely crazy; pumpkin flower.

Cumu te pienzu, nu me cridiva ca t’amava tantu

I’m always thinking about you; I never thought I loved you so much,

Ca t’aiu amatu pe’ passare u tiempu, cumu te pienzu

I thought I loved you just as a pastime; I’m always thinking about you.

Spicchiu de agliu, un me venire appriessu co’ un te vogliu

Garlic clove, don’t you pursue me, ’cause I don’t want you,

Ca tieni l’aricchie cumu nu ventagliu, spicchiu de agliu

’cause your ears look like fans; garlic clove.

Fior di velluto, avevo un uccellino e m’è volato

Velvety flower, I had a little bird and it flew away,

Avevo un grand’amore e l’ho perduto, fior di velluto

I had a great love and I lost it, velvety flower.

Acqua corrente, la pace voglio fare col mio amante

Running water, I want to make peace with my lover,

Che quando mi ha lasciato era innocente, acqua corrente

he was innocent when he left me, running water.

Acqua di ruggia, e vistu u core miu cumu s’arraggia

Rust water, you saw how my heart grows angry,

S’arraggia a pocu a pocu e si distruggia, acqua di ruggia

it grows angry little by little and it destroys itself, rust water.

Fior di limone, cu la farina si ce fa lu pane

Lemon flower; with flour, you make bread,

E cu le fimmine si ce fa l’amore, fior di limone

and with women, you make love; lemon flower.

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