La bela la va al fosso…
The pretty girl goes to the ditch…
Ravanei, remolass, barbabietole e spinass,
Radishes, horseradishes, beetroots and spinach,
tre palanche al mass.
three coins a bunch.
La bèla la va al fosso,
The pretty girl goes to the ditch,
al fosso a resentar,
to the ditch to rinse the laundry,
e al fosso a resentar.
oh to the ditch to rinse the laundry.
Intant che la resenta…
While she is rinsing…
Ravanei, remolass, barbabietole e spinass,
Radishes, horseradishes, beetroots and spinach,
tre palanche al mass.
three coins a bunch.
Intant che la resenta
While she is rinsing,
a gh’è cascà l’anel
she dropped her ring,
e a gh’è cascà l’anel.
oh she dropped her ring.
La svalsa gl’occhi al cielo…
She rises her eyes to the sky…
Ravanei, remolass, barbabietole e spinass,
Radishes, horseradishes, beetroots and spinach,
tre palanche al mass.
three coins a bunch.
La svalsa gl’occhi al cielo,
She rises her eyes to the sky,
la vide il ciel seren,
she saw the clear sky,
e la vide il ciel seren.
oh she saw the clear sky.
La sbassa gl’occhi all’onda…
She lowers her eyes to the water…
Ravanei, remolass, barbabietole e spinass,
Radishes, horseradishes, beetroots and spinach,
tre palanche al mass.
three coins a bunch.
La sbassa gl’occhi all’onda,
She lowers her eyes to the water,
la vide un pescator,
she saw a fisherman,
e la vide un pescator.
oh she saw a fisherman.
O pescator dell’onda…
Oh fisherman of the water…
Ravanei, remolass, barbabietole e spinass,
Radishes, horseradishes, beetroots and spinach,
tre palanche al mass.
three coins a bunch.
O pescator dell’onda,
Oh fisherman of the water,
pescatemi l’anel,
please fish out my ring,
o pescatemi l’anel.
oh please fish out my ring.
E quand l’avrai pescato…
And when you’ll have fished it out…
Ravanei, remolass, barbabietole e spinass,
Radishes, horseradishes, beetroots and spinach,
tre palanche al mass.
three coins a bunch.
E quand l’avrai pescato,
And when you’ll have fished it out,
un regalo ti farò,
I will give you a gift,
un regalo ti farò.
I will give you a gift.
Andrem lassù sui monti…
We’ll go up there in the mountains…
Ravanei, remolass, barbabietole e spinass,
Radishes, horseradishes, beetroots and spinach,
tre palanche al mass.
three coins a bunch.
Andrem lassù sui monti,
We’ll go up there in the mountains,
sui monti a far l’amor,
in the mountains to make love,
e sui monti a far l’amor.
in the mountains to make love.