Translation of the song Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi artist Italian Folk
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi
Master Sir With Nice White Trousers
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi, föra li palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
A scüsa, sciur padrùn,
Sorry, master, sir,
sa l’èm fat tribülér:
if we caused you any trouble:
i éran li prèmi vòlti,
it was our first time,
i éran li prèmi vòlti.
it was our first time.
A scüsa sciur padrùn
Sorry, master, sir,
sa l’èm fat tribülér:
if we caused you any trouble:
i éran li prèmi vòlti,
it was our first time,
ca ’n saiévum cuma fér.
we didn’t know how to do it.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi, föra li palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
Prèma a l’rancàun,
We first uprooted it,
e pò dòpo a l’s-ciancàun,
then we tore it off,2
e adès ca l’èm tòt via,
e adès ca l’èm tòt via.
and now that we’ve removed it,
Prèma a l’rancàun
and now that we’ve removed it.
e pò dòpo a l’sciancàun,
We first uprooted it,
e adès ca l’èm tòt via,
then we tore it off,
al salütém e pò ’ndèm via.
and now that we’ve removed it,
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi, föra li palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
Al nòster sciur padrùn
Our master sir
l’è bòn cóme ’l bòn pan,
has a heart of gold,
da stér inséma a l’èrsen,
and he stands on the bank,
da stér inséma a l’èrsen.
and he stands on the bank.
Al nòster sciur padrùn
Our master sir
l’è bòn cóme ’l bòn pan,
has a heart of gold,
da stér inséma a l’èrsen,
and he stands on the bank,
al dis «Fé andér cal man.»
telling us «Move those hands.»4
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi, föra li palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
E non va più a mesi
And it’s no longer in months5
e nemmeno a settimane,
nor in weeks,
la va a pochi giorni,
it’s in a few days,
la va a pochi giorni.
it’s in a few days.
E non va più a mesi
And it’s no longer in months
e nemmeno a settimane,
nor in weeks,
la va a pochi giorni,
it’s in a few days,
e poi dopo andiamo a cà.
and then we’ll go home.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi, föra li palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra li palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
E non va più a mesi
And it’s no longer in months
e nemmeno a settimane,
nor in weeks,
la va a poche ore,
it’s in a few hours,
la va a poche ore.
it’s in a few hours.
E non va più a mesi
And it’s no longer in months
e nemmeno a settimane,
nor in weeks,
la va a poche ore,
it’s in a few hours,
e poi dopo andiamo a cà.
and then we’ll go home.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi, föra cal palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
Incö l’è l’ùltim giüren
Today is the last day
e admàn l’è la partenza,
and tomorrow is the departure day,
farém la riverenza,
we’ll curtsy,
farém la riverenza.
we’ll curtsy.
Incö l’è l’ùltim giüren
Today is the last day
e admàn l’è la partenza,
and tomorrow is the departure day,
farém la riverenza
we’ll curtsy
al nòster sciur padrùn.
to our master sir.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi, föra cal palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
E quand al tréno s-céffla,
And when the train whistles,
i mundéin a la stassión,
the mondine at the station,
con la cassiètta in spala,
with their case on their shoulder,
con la cassiètta in spala.
with their case on their shoulder.
E quand al tréno s-céffla,
And when the train whistles,
i mundéin a la stassión,
the mondine at the station,
con la cassiètta in spala,
with their case on their shoulder,
su e giù per i vagón.
up and down the carriages.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi, föra cal palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.
Quando saremo a casa
When we are at home
dai nostri fidanzati,
with our boyfriends,
ci daremo tanti baci,
we’ll kiss many times,
ci daremo tanti baci.
we’ll kiss many times.
Quando saremo a casa
When we are at home
dai nostri fidanzati,
with our boyfriends,
ci daremo tanti baci,
we’ll kiss many times,
tanti baci in quantità.
a whole lot of kisses.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi, föra cal palanchi.
pay up, pay up.
Sciur padrùn da li bèli braghi bianchi,
Master, sir, with nice white trousers,
föra cal palanchi ch’andùm a cà.
pay up, so we can go home.