Translation of the song Ἐλεύθεροι Πολιορκημένοι (Β' Σχεδίασμα, VII) artist Dionysios Solomos
Ἐλεύθεροι Πολιορκημένοι (Β' Σχεδίασμα, VII)
Free Besieged (B' Script, VII)
Ἐχαμογέλασε πικρὰ κι ὁλούθενε κοιτάζει·
He smiled bitterly, and looks around·
κι ἀνεῖ πολὺ τὰ βλέφαρα τὰ δάκρυα νὰ βαστάξουν:
and opens wide the eyelashes, the tears to hold on:
-«Ἐκεῖ 'ρθε τὸ χρυσότερο ἀπὸ τὰ ὀνείρατά μου·
-There it came, the most golden of my dreams·
μὲ τ' ἂρματ' ὅλα βρόντησα τυφλός του κόπου χάμου.
with all the arms I trembled blind, exhausted on the ground.
Φωνὴ 'πε: Ὁ δρόμος σου γλυκὸς καὶ μοσχοβολισμένος·
A voice said: Your path is sweet and perfumed with dew·
στὴν κεφαλή σου κρέμεται ὁ ἥλιος μαγεμένος·
on your head hangs the sun enchanted·
παλληκαρὰ καὶ μορφονιέ, γειά σου, καλέ, χαρά σου!
valiant and beautiful young man, hello, dear, joy to you!
Ἄκου, νησιά, στεριὲς τῆς γῆς, ἐμάθαν τ' ὄνομά σου!
Listen, islands, lands of the earth, they learned your name!
Τοῦτος, ἄχ, ποῦ 'ν' ὁ δοξαστὸς κι ἡ θεϊκιὰ θωριά του;
[Is he] The one, oh, who is the glorious, and his god-like look?
Ἡ ἀγκάλη μ' ἒτρεμ' ἀνοιχτὴ κατὰ τὰ γόνατά του.
My embrace trembled wide open, towards his knees.
Ἔριξε χάμου τὰ χαρτιὰ μὲ τσ' εἴδησες τοῦ κόσμου
He threw on the ground the papers, with the news of the world
ἡ κορασιὰ τρεμάμενη ................................
the maiden trembling ................................
Χαρὰ τῆς ἔσβιε τὴ φωνὴ ποὺ 'ν' τώρα ἀποσβημένη·
Joy dimmed her voice, which now is silenced·
ἄμε, χρυσ' ὄνειρο, καὶ σὺ μὲ τὴ σαβανωμένη!
leave, golden dream, you with the shrouded!
Ἐδῶ 'ναι χρεία νὰ κατεβῶ, νὰ σφίξω τὸ σπαθί μου,
Here it's necessary for me to go down, to clench my sword,
πρὶν ὅλοι χάσουν τὴ ζωή, κι ἐγ' ὅλη τὴν πνοή μου·
before everyone loses [their] life, and me all my breath·
τὰ λίγα ἀπομεινάρια τῆς πείνας καὶ τσ' ἀντρείας,
the little remains, of hunger and of valor,
ποῦ μ' ἔκραξαν μ' ἀπαντοχή, φίλο, ἀδελφό, πατέρα,
that called me with endurance, friend, brother, father,
γκόλφι νὰ τὰ 'χω στὸ πλευρὸ καὶ νὰ τὰ βγάλω πέρα.
may I have as an amulet on my side, and survive.
Δρόμο ἀστραφτᾶ νὰ σχίσω τοὺς σ'ἐχθροὺς καλὰ θρεμμένους,
Path, shine [for me] to tear the enemies, well fed,
σ' ἐχθροὺς πολλούς, πολλ' ἄξιους, πολλὰ φαρμακωμένους·
enemies many, worthy of many things, much poisoned·
νὰ μείνεις, χῶμα πατρικό, γιὰ μισητὸ ποδάρι·
to stay, fatherly soil, for the hated foot·
ἡ μαύρη πέτρα σου χρυσὴ καὶ τὸ ξερὸ χορτάρι.
your black rock is golden, and the dry grass.
Ἦταν μὲ σένα τρεῖς χαρὲς στὴν πίκρα φυτρωμένες,
They were with you, three joys in sorrow sprouted,
ὅμως γιὰ μένα στὴ χαρὰ τρεῖς πίκρες ριζωμένες».
but for me in joy, three sorrows rooted.