Translation of the song Ὁ Κρητικός (ἀπόσπασμα τῆς φεγγαροντυμένης) artist Dionysios Solomos
Ὁ Κρητικός (ἀπόσπασμα τῆς φεγγαροντυμένης)
The Cretan (extract of the moon-dressed)
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Ἐκοίταα, κι ἤτανε μακριὰ ἀκόμη τ᾿ ἀκρογιάλι·
I was looking, and it was still far away, the shore·
«ἀστροπελέκι μου καλό, γιὰ ξαναφέξε πάλι!».
my dear thunder, shine once again!
Τρία ἀστροπελέκια ἐπέσανε, ἕνα ξοπίσω στ᾿ ἄλλο,
Three thunders fell, one after the other,
πολὺ κοντὰ στὴν κορασιά, μὲ βρόντημα μεγάλο·
very close to the maiden, with great trembling·
τὰ πέλαγα στὴν ἀστραπὴ κι ὁ οὐρανὸς ἀντήχαν,
the seas and the sky, by the thunder echoed,
οἱ ἀκρογιαλιὲς καὶ τὰ βουνὰ μ᾿ ὅσες φωνὲς κι ἂν εἶχαν.
the shores and the mountains, with as many voices they had.
Πιστέψετε π᾿ ὅ,τι θὰ πῶ εἶν᾿ ἀκριβὴ ἀλήθεια,
Believe that all I will say, is the precious truth,
μὰ τὲς πολλὲς λαβωματιὲς ποὺ μὄφαγαν τὰ στήθια,
[I swear] on the many wounds, that ate my breasts,
μὰ τοὺς συντρόφους πὄπεσαν στὴν Κρήτη πολεμώντας,
[I swear] on the comrades that fell, in Crete fighting,
μὰ τὴν ψυχὴ ποὺ μ᾿ ἔκαψε τὸν κόσμο ἀπαρατώντας.
[I swear] on the soul that burned me, abandoning the world.
(Λάλησε, Σάλπιγγα, κι ἐγὼ τὸ σάβανο τινάζω,
(Speak, war-horn, and I am tossing the shroud,
καὶ σχίζω δρόμο καὶ τσ᾿ ἀχνοὺς ἀναστημένους κράζω:
and tearing open the path, and the faded resurrected ones I call forth:
«Μὴν εἴδετε τὴν ὀμορφιὰ ποὺ τὴν Κοιλάδα ἁγιάζει;
Have you maybe seen the beauty, that blesses the Valley?
Πέστε, νὰ ἰδεῖτε τὸ καλὸ ἐσεῖς κι ὅ,τι σᾶς μοιάζει.
Speak, for you to see the good, you and all that resembles you.
Καπνὸς δὲ μένει ἀπὸ τὴ γῆ· νιὸς οὐρανὸς ἐγίνη.
Smoke doesn't remain from the earth· new heaven it became.
Σὰν πρῶτα ἐγὼ τὴν ἀγαπῶ καὶ θὰ κριθῶ μ᾿ αὐτήνη».
Like first I love her, and I will be judged with her.
«Ψηλὰ τὴν εἴδαμε πρωί· τῆς τρέμαν τὰ λουλούδια,
Up high we saw her at dawn· the flowers were trembling by her,
στὴ θύρα τῆς Παράδεισος ποὺ ἐβγῆκε μὲ τραγούδια·
at the gate of Heaven, where she came out with songs·
ἔψαλλε τὴν Ἀνάσταση χαροποιὰ ἡ φωνή της,
she was chanting the Resurrection, her voice was rejoicing,
κι ἔδειχνεν ἀνυπομονιὰ γιὰ νὰ ῾μπει στὸ κορμί της·
and showed impatience, to enter her body·
ὁ Οὐρανὸς ὁλόκληρος ἀγρίκαε σαστισμένος,
The whole of Heaven, was looking bemused,
τὸ κάψιμο ἀργοπόρουνε ὁ κόσμος ὁ ἀναμμένος·
the lit up world, was stalling the burning·
καὶ τώρα ὀμπρὸς τὴν εἴδαμε· ὀγλήγορα σαλεύει·
and now in front we saw her· with haste she is gesturing·
ὅμως κοιτάζει ἐδῶ κι ἐκεῖ καὶ κάποιονε γυρεύει»).
but she's glancing here and there, and for someone she's looking for).
Ἀκόμη έβάστουνε ἡ βροντή...
Still the thunder held strong...
Κι ἡ θάλασσα, ποὺ σκίρτησε σὰν τὸ χοχλὸ ποὺ βράζει,
And the sea that danced, like the boiling snail,
ἡσύχασε καὶ ἔγινε ὅλο ἡσυχία καὶ πάστρα,
quietened and became, total silence and purity,
σὰν περιβόλι εὐώδησε κι ἐδέχτηκε ὅλα τ᾿ ἄστρα·
like a garden it was filled with scents, and received all the stars·
κάτι κρυφὸ μυστήριο ἐστένεψε τὴ φύση
some hidden mystery, narrowed the nature
κάθε ὀμορφιὰ νὰ στολιστεῖ καὶ τὸ θυμὸ ν᾿ ἀφήσει.
[asking] every beauty to be adorned, and to quit the anger.
Δὲν εἶν᾿ πνοὴ στὸν οὐρανό, στὴ θάλασσα, φυσώντας
There isn't a breath in the sky, in the sea, blowing
οὔτε ὅσο κάνει στὸν ἀνθὸ ἡ μέλισσα περνώντας,
not even as much as it does, the bee passing by the blossom,
ὅμως κοντὰ στὴν κορασιά, ποὺ μ᾿ ἔσφιξε κι ἐχάρη,
but close to the maiden, that embraced me and rejoiced,
ἐσειόνταν τ᾿ ὁλοστρόγγυλο καὶ λαγαρὸ φεγγάρι·
it was quaking, the all-round and pure moon·
καὶ ξετυλίζει ὀγλήγορα κάτι ποὺ ἐκεῖθε βγαίνει,
and it unfurls with haste, something that over there comes out,
κι ὀμπρός μου ἰδοὺ ποὺ βρέθηκε μία φεγγαροντυμένη.
and in front of me look how she was found, a moon-dressed.
Ἔτρεμε τὸ δροσάτο φῶς στὴ θεϊκιὰ θωριά της,
It trembled, the dewy light, at her divine look,
στὰ μάτια της τὰ ὁλόμαυρα καὶ στὰ χρυσὰ μαλλιά της.
at her all-black eyes and her golden hair.
Ἐκοίταξε τ᾿ ἀστέρια, κι ἐκεῖνα ἀναγαλλιάσαν,
She looked at the stars, and they rejoiced,
καὶ τὴν ἀχτινοβόλησαν καὶ δὲν τὴν ἐσκεπάσαν·
and they radiated her, and they didn't cover her·
κι ἀπὸ τὸ πέλαο, ποὺ πατεῖ χωρὶς νὰ τὸ σουφρώνει,
and from the sea, which she steps upon without wrinkling it,
κυπαρισσένιο ἀνάερα τ᾿ ἀνάστημα σηκώνει,
like a cypress, ethereal, the body she raises,
κι ἀνεῖ τσ᾿ ἀγκάλες μ᾿ ἔρωτα καὶ μὲ ταπεινοσύνη,
and she opens her embraces with love and with humbleness,
κι ἔδειξε πάσαν ὀμορφιὰ καὶ πάσαν καλοσύνη.
and showed all beauty and all kindness.
Τότε ἀπὸ φῶς μεσημερνὸ ἡ νύχτα πλημμυρίζει,
Then, by midday light the night is flooded,
κι ἡ χτίσις ἔγινε ναὸς ποὺ ὁλοῦθε λαμπυρίζει.
and the firmament became a temple, that shines all around.
Τέλος σ᾿ ἐμὲ ποὺ βρίσκομουν ὀμπρός της μὲς στὰ ῥεῖθρα,
Finally, towards me, as I was in front of her inside the channels,
καταπῶς στέκει στὸ Βοριὰ ἡ πετροκαλαμήθρα,
just like it stands North bound, the compass,
ὄχι στὴν κόρη, ἀλλὰ σ᾿ ἐμὲ τὴν κεφαλὴ της κλίνει·
not to the daughter, but to me, her head she's leaning·
τὴν κοίταζα ὁ βαριόμοιρος, μ᾿ ἐκοίταζε κι ἐκείνη.
I was looking at her, the heavy-fated, she was looking at me too.
Ἔλεγα πὼς τὴν εἶχα ἰδεῖ πολὺν καιρὸν ὀπίσω,
I was saying that I had seen her, way back in time,
κὰν σὲ ναὸ ζωγραφιστὴ μὲ θαυμασμὸ περίσσο,
and painted in a temple, with abundant admiration,
κάνε τὴν εἶχε ἐρωτικὰ ποιήσει ὁ λογισμός μου,
and if my reflection had erotically created her,
κὰν τ᾿ ὄνειρο, ὅταν μ᾿ ἔθρεφε τὸ γάλα τῆς μητρός μου·
and if the dream, when it was nourishing me, the milk of my mother·
ἤτανε μνήμη παλαιή, γλυκειὰ κι ἀστοχισμένη,
she was [an] old memory, sweet and meditated,
ποὺ ὀμπρός μου τώρα μ᾿ ὅλη της τὴ δύναμη προβαίνει.
that in front of me now, with all her strength she is walking.
[Σὰν τὸ νερὸ ποὺ τὸ θωρεῖ τὸ μάτι ν᾿ ἀναβρύζει
[Like the water that the eye sees, springing
ξάφνου ὀχ τὰ βάθη τοῦ βουνοῦ, κι ὁ ἥλιος τὸ στολίζει.]
suddenly from the depths of the mountain, and the sun adorns it.]
Βρύση ἔγινε τὸ μάτι μου κι ὀμπρὸς του δὲν ἐθώρα,
My eye became a spring, and it didn't see in front of it,
κι ἔχασα αὐτὸ τὸ θεϊκὸ πρόσωπο γιὰ πολληώρα,
and I lost this divine face, for a long time,
γιατί ἄκουσα τὰ μάτια της μέσα στὰ σωθικά μου·
because I heard her eyes, deep in my insides·
ἔτρεμαν καὶ δὲ μ᾿ ἄφηναν νὰ βγάλω τὴ μιλιά μου.
they were trembling and they weren't letting me speak my word.
Ὅμως αὐτοὶ εἶναι θεοί, καὶ κατοικοῦν ἀπ᾿ ὅπου
But they are gods, and they reside from where
βλέπουνε μὲς στὴν ἄβυσσο καὶ στὴν καρδιὰ τ᾿ ἀνθρώπου,
they see inside the abyss, and in the heart of the human,
κι ἔνιωθα πὼς μοῦ διάβαζε καλύτερα τὸ νοῦ μου
and I felt that she was better reading my mind
πάρεξ ἂν ἤθελε τῆς πῶ μὲ θλίψη τοῦ χειλιοῦ μου:
rather than wanting me to say to her, with sorrow of my lip:
«Τ᾿ ἀδέλφια μου τὰ δυνατὰ οἱ Τοῦρκοι μοῦ τ᾿ ἀδράξαν,
My strong siblings, the Turks seized from me,
τὴν ἀδελφή μου ἀτίμησαν κι ἀμέσως τὴν ἐσφάξαν,
my sister [they] dishonored, and at once slaughtered her,
τὸ γέροντα τὸν κύρη μου ἐκάψανε τὸ βράδυ
my old man, my master, they burned at night
καὶ τὴν αὐγή μοῦ ρίξανε τὴ μάνα στὸ πηγάδι.
and at dawn they threw my mother in the well.
Στὴν Κρήτη..............
In Crete..............
Μακριὰ ῾πὸ κεῖθ᾿ ἐγιόμισα τὲς φοῦχτες μου κι ἐβγῆκα.
Far away from there, I filled my hands and got out.
Βόηθα, Θεά, τὸ τρυφερὸ κλωνάρι μόνο νά ῾χω·
Help, Godess, only the tender branch for me to have·
σὲ γκρεμὸ κρέμουμαι βαθύ, κι αὐτὸ βαστῶ μονάχο».
on a deep cliff I'm hanging, and this only I hold.
Ἐχαμογέλασε γλυκὰ στὸν πόνο τῆς ψυχῆς μου,
She smiled sweetly, at my soul's pain,
κι ἐδάκρυσαν τὰ μάτια της κι ἐμοιάζαν τῆς καλῆς μου.
and her eyes were filled with tears, and resembled of my dear.
Ἑχάθη, ἀλί μου, ἀλλ᾿ ἄκουσα τοῦ δάκρυου της ραντίδα
She vanished, woe to me, but I heard the sprinkle of her tear
στὸ χέρι, πού ῾χα σηκωτὸ μόλις ἐγὼ τὴν εἶδα. —
on the hand that I had raised, when I saw her. —
Ἐγὼ ἀπὸ κείνη τὴ στιγμὴ δὲν ἔχω πλιὰ τὸ χέρι,
Me, from that time, I don't have the hand anymore,
π᾿ ἀγνάντευεν Ἀγαρηνὸ κι ἐγύρευε μαχαίρι·
that was gazing at an Agarene, and was searching for knife·
χαρὰ δὲν τοῦ ῾ναι ὁ πόλεμος· τ᾿ ἁπλώνω τοῦ διαβάτη
joy for it isn't the war, I extend it to the passer by
ψωμοζητώντας, κι ἔρχεται μὲ δακρυσμένο μάτι·
[who is] asking for bread, and is coming with teary eye·
κι ὅταν χορτάτα δυστυχιὰ τὰ μάτια μου ζαλεύουν,
and when full of misery, my eyes are closed,
ἀργά, κι ὀνείρατα σκληρὰ τὴν ξαναζωντανεύουν,
slow, and terrible dreams bring her back to life,
καὶ μέσα στ᾿ ἄγριο πέλαγο τ᾿ ἀστροπελέκι σκάει,
and in the wild sea, the thunder clashes,
κι ἡ θάλασσα νὰ καταπιεῖ τὴν κόρη ἀναζητάει,
and the sea is looking for the maiden to swallow,
ξυπνῶ φρενίτης, κάθομαι, κι ὁ νοῦς μου κινδυνεύει,
I wake up in a craze, I sit, and my mind is in danger,
καὶ βάνω τὴν παλάμη μου, κι ἀμέσως γαληνεύει. —
and I place my palm, and at once it quietens. —
Καὶ τὰ νερά ῾σχιζα μ᾿ αὐτό, τὰ μυριομυρωδάτα,
And the waters I tore with it, the myriad-scented,
μὲ δύναμη ποὺ δὲν εἶχα μήτε στὰ πρῶτα νιάτα,
with strength that I didn't have, even in the first youth,
μήτε ὅταν ἐκροτούσαμε, πετώντας τὰ θηκάρια,
neither when we clashed, throwing the sheaths,
μάχη στενὴ μὲ τοὺς πολλοὺς ὀλίγα παλληκάρια,
narrow battle with the many, a few brave men,
μήτε ὅταν τὸν μπομπο-Ἰσοὺφ καὶ τσ᾿ ἄλλους δύο βαροῦσα
neither when bobo-Isuf, and the other two I was beating
σύρριζα στὴ Λαβύρινθο π᾿ ἀλαίμαργα πατοῦσα.
breath-to-breath in the Labyrinth in which I was hungrily stepping in.
Στὸ πλέξιμο τὸ δυνατὸ ὁ χτύπος τῆς καρδιᾶς μου
In the strong weaving, the beat of my heart
(κι αὐτό μοῦ τ᾿ αὔξαιν᾿,) ἔκρουζε στὴν πλεύρα τῆς κυρᾶς μου.
(and this was raising it,) was clashing at the side of my lady.
Ἄλλὰ τὸ πλέξιμ᾿ ἄργουνε, καὶ μοῦ τ᾿ ἀποκοιμοῦσε,
But the weaving was running late, and it was sung to sleep,
ἠχός, γλυκύτατος ἠχός, ὁποῦ μὲ προβοδοῦσε.
[by] sound, sweet sound, that was bidding me farewell.
Δὲν εἶναι κορασιᾶς φωνὴ στὰ δάση ποὺ φουντώνουν,
Is it not a maiden's voice, in the fluttering forests,
καὶ βγαίνει τ᾿ ἄστρο τοῦ βραδιοῦ καὶ τὰ νερὰ θολώνουν,
and the star of the night rises, and the waters are blurred,
καὶ τὸν κρυφό της ἔρωτα τῆς βρύσης τραγουδάει,
and she speaks to the spring, of her secret love,
τοῦ δέντρου καὶ τοῦ λουλουδιοῦ ποὺ ἀνοίγει καὶ λυγάει.
to the tree and to the flower, that blossoms and gets bent.
Δὲν εἶν᾿ ἀηδόνι, κρητικὸ ποὺ σέρνει, τὴ λαλιά του
Is it not nightingale cretan, that drags its song
σὲ ψηλοὺς βράχους κι ἄγριους ὅπ᾿ ἔχει τὴ φωλιά του,
in tall and fierce rocks, where it has its nest,
κι ἀντιβουΐζει ὁλονυχτὶς ἀπὸ πολλὴ γλυκάδα
and it echoes all night long, by such sweetness
ἡ θάλασσα πολὺ μακριά, πολὺ μακριὰ ἡ πεδιάδα,
the sea, very far away, very far the valley,
ὥστε ποὺ πρόβαλε ἡ Αὐγὴ καὶ ἔλιωσαν τ᾿ ἀστέρια,
so that Dawn came out, and the stars melted,
κι ἀκούει κι αὐτὴ καὶ πέφτουν της τὰ ρόδα ἀπὸ τὰ χέρια.
and she listens too, and the roses fall from her hands.
Δὲν εἶν᾿ φιαμπόλι τὸ γλυκὸ ὁποὺ τ᾿ ἀγρίκαα μόνος
Is it not the sweet flute, that I encountered alone
στὸν Ψηλορείτη ὅπου συχνὰ μ᾿ ἐτράβουνεν ὁ πόνος,
in Psiloritis, where pain often dragged me,
κι ἔβλεπα τ᾿ ἄστρο τ᾿ οὐρανοῦ μεσουρανὶς νὰ λάμπει
and I was looking at the star of the heaven in the middle of the sky shining
καὶ τοῦ γελοῦσαν τὰ βουνά, τὰ πέλαγα κι οἱ κάμποι·
and they were smiling at it, the mountains, the seas and the valleys·
κι ἐτάραζε τὰ σπλάχνα μου ἐλευθεριᾶς ἐλπίδα
and it was fluttering my insides, a hope of freedom
κι ἐφώναζα: «ὢ θεϊκιὰ κι ὅλη αἵματα Πατρίδα»
and I was shouting, oh divine and full of blood Fatherland
κι ἅπλωνα κλαίοντας κατ᾿ αὐτὴ τὰ χέρια μὲ καμάρι·
and I was opening crying towards her, the hands with pride·
καλή ῾ν᾿ ἡ μαύρη πέτρα της καὶ τὸ ξερὸ χορτάρι.
good is her black rock, and the dry grass.
Λαλούμενο, πουλί, φωνή, δὲν εἶναι νὰ ταιριάζει,
[To] a singing bird, a voice doesn't match,
ἴσως δὲ σώζεται στὴ γῆ ἦχος ποὺ νὰ τοῦ μοιάζει·
maybe there doesn't exist in the world, sound that resembles it·
δὲν εἶναι λόγια· ἦχος λεπτός...
it isn't speech· sound delicate...
δὲν ἤθελε τὸν ξαναπεῖ ὁ ἀντίλαλος κοντά του.
didn't want to be repeated, the echo next to it.
Ἂν εἶν᾿ δὲν ἤξερα κοντά, ἂν ἔρχονται ἀπὸ πέρα·
I didn't know if they were coming from near, if they were coming from far·
σὰν τοῦ Μαϊοῦ τὲς εὐωδιὲς γιομίζαν τὸν ἀέρα,
like May's fragrances, they were filling the air,
γλυκύτατοι, ἀνεκδιήγητοι...
sweetest, unexplainable...
μόλις εἶν᾿ ἔτσι δυνατὸς ὁ Ἔρωτας καὶ ὁ Χάρος.
just like this he is strong, Eros and Death.
Μ᾿ ἄδραχνεν ὅλη τὴν ψυχή, καὶ νά ῾μπει δὲν ἠμπόρει
He grabbed the whole of my soul, and he cannot enter
ὁ οὐρανὸς κι ἡ θάλασσα, κι ἡ ἀκρογιαλιά, κι ἡ κόρη·
the heaven and the sea, and the shore, and the daughter·
μὲ ἄδραχνε, καὶ μ᾿ ἔκανε συχνὰ ν᾿ ἀναζητήσω
he grabbed me, and made me often search for
τὴ σάρκα μου νὰ χωριστῶ γιὰ νὰ τὸν ἀκλουθήσω.
my flesh to separate from, so I can meet him.
Ἔπαψε τέλος κι ἄδειασεν ἡ φύσις κι ἡ ψυχή μου,
He stopped in the end and they were emptied, the nature and my soul,
ποὺ ἐστέναξε κι ἐγιόμισεν εὐθὺς ὀχ τὴν καλή μου·
that sighed and was filled at once of my dear·
καὶ τέλος φθάνω στὸ γιαλὸ τὴν ἀρραβωνιασμένη,
and in the end I arrive at the shore, at the engaged,
τὴν ἀπιθώνω μὲ χαρά, κι ἤτανε πεθαμένη.
I grab her with joy, and she was dead.