Aš išėjau pabėgt nuo to, ko reikia
I left to run away from what I needed
Nuo to, kas būtina, ką privalau
From what was necessary, from what I had to do
Norėjau tuščias vėl, ir vėl pabusti
I wished to become empty again and to awake again
Suprast, ką dar jaučiu tau
To understand what I still felt for you
Kai jūra tyli, o tu nori rėkt
When the sea is calm, but you want to scream
Banguok, daryk ką nors
Make waves, do something
Nes negaliu pakęst, kai tu rami
'Cause I can't stand it when you're calm
Kai jūra tyli, o tu nori rėkt
When the sea is calm, but you want to scream
Banguok, daryk ką nors
Make waves, do something
Nes negaliu pakęst, kai tu rami
'Cause I can't stand it when you're calm
Tavo ramybė veda iš proto
Your calmness drives me crazy
Nes verčia pažiūrėti į save
Because it forces me to look at myself
O į save žiūrėt, žiūrėt man skauda
And it's painful to look at myself
O į save žiūrėt nebegaliu
And I can't look at myself anymore
Kai jūra tyli, o tu nori rėkt
When the sea is calm, but you want to scream
Banguok, daryk ką nors
Make waves, do something
Nes negaliu pakęst, kai tu rami
'Cause I can't stand it when you're calm
Kai jūra tyli, o tu nori rėkt
When the sea is calm, but you want to scream
Banguok, daryk ką nors
Make waves, do something
Nes negaliu pakęst, kai tu rami
'Cause I can't stand it when you're calm
Kai jūra tyli, o tu nori rėkt
When the sea is calm, but you want to scream
Banguok, daryk ką nors
Make waves, do something
Nes negaliu pakęst, kai tu rami
'Cause I can't stand it when you're calm
Kai jūra tyli, o tu nori rėkt
When the sea is calm, but you want to scream
Banguok, daryk ką nors
Make waves, do something
Nes negaliu pakęst, kai tu rami
'Cause I can't stand it when you're calm
Aš negaliu pakęst kai tu rami
I can't stand it when you're calm