Translation of the song Nek ti jutro mirise na mene artist Vesna Zmijanac
Nek ti jutro mirise na mene
Let your morning smells on me
Godina je prošla
The year passed
a na mome srcu leži ista želja
But one wish has remained on my heart
ne mislim na tebe
I don't think about you
ne želim te čak ni kao prijatelja
I don't wanna you at least as friend
Mojom ulicom ne prolaziš
You don't move across my street
ali mi u snove dolaziš
But you have appeared in my dreams
meni, dušo, duguješ još to
My darling, you owe me one more thing
da budemo noćas zajedno
To be together tonight
Ja ne krivim nikog
I don't blame anyone
jednostavno nije nam se dalo
In simple words, we failed
ali tako želim
But I wish so much
da te noćas zagrlim još malo
at least to be in your embrace
Da se naše usne sastave
Let our lips meet each other
a petlovi da nas rastave
Let roosters split they in the morning
meni, dušo, duguješ još to
My darling, you owe me one more thing
da budemo noćas zajedno
To be together tonight
Ljubiću te sve dok traju zvezde
I will be kissing you as long as stars have twinkle
a želja mi postaje sve veća
My wish grows up
nek ti jutro miriše na mene
Let your morning smells on me
i nek te na mene uvek seća
Let it reminds you on me forever
Kunem ti se svime
I swear on everything I have
od sada ću piti samo crno vino
As of today, I only drink red wine
kap sa tvoje usne
A drop from your lips
i još litar
At least one liter
ne bi li me podsetilo
Wouldn't be enough for me
Kako ljube usne najdraže
How kiss lips from my dreams
kad se tako strašno požele
When I wish they so much
meni dušo duguješ još to
My darling, you owe me one more thing
da budemo noćas zajedno
To be together tonight