Translation of the song Aromë portokalli artist Adelina Ismaili


Aromë portokalli

English translation

Aroma of orange



Te një portokalle, moj,

At an orange tree, baby,

Të dola unë ty,

I came out to you.

Lulet e limonit, moj,

Lemon flowers, baby,

Të binin në sy.

Fell into your eyes.





Ule kokën poshtë, moj,

You lowered your head down, baby,

Seç, më dogji malli.

Lo, longing burnt me.

Vinte era e gushës, moj,

There came a scent from your neck, baby,

Arom' portokalli. (x2)

An aroma of orange. (x2)



Ishim ne të dyja, moj,

The two of us were, baby,

Oh, porsi sorkadhe.

Oh, just like does.

Përmbi kokat tona, moj,

Above our heads, baby,

Lulet hedhnin valle. (x2)

Flowers threw a dance. (x2)











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