Translation of the song Jetoj se te dua artist Adelina Ismaili
Jetoj se te dua
I live because I love you
Nese duhet do te vdes
If I have to I will die
qe ti te jetosh
For you to live
do te mbyllem n'burg t'perjetshem
I will do lifetime in prison
qe ti te besosh.
So I can make you believe
Cdo tradhti ty ta fal
Every betrayal I will forgive
vetem une t'kuptoj
Only I understand you
do te mbyllem n'manastir
I will lock myself in a monastery
vetem mos t'lendoj.
Only not to hurt you
Emrin tend ne mur
Your name on the wall
me gjak do ta shkruaj
I will write with blood
nga shekulli i dreqit
from the century of the devil
une do te ruaj.
I will protect you
Para plumbit t'vdekjes
In front of a fatal bullet
e para do te dal
I will be the first in front of it
nese duhet edhe kohen
If you also need time
per ty do ta ndal.
I will stop it for you
Nese duhet do t'jetoj
If I have to I will love
me lendimet e tua
with your injuries
por une kurr s'do te vdes
But I will never die
jetoj se te dua.
I live because I love you