Translation of the song Mbretëreshë e robëreshë artist Adelina Ismaili
Mbretëreshë e robëreshë
(both) a queen and a slave
Dikush thote se moti jam qmendur,
one says that this year i have gone crazy
tjeret mendojne se jam e menqur,
others think i am intelligent
degjoj fjale se jam xheloze
i hear words (gossip) that i am jealous
disa thone se jam nervoze.
some say that i am nervous/ jittery
Nganjehere me quajne gjeniale
at times they call me genial
Edhe pse shpesh jam banale
because i quickly turn vulgar
ata bam, e une bam-bam
they go bam and i go bam bam (right back)* this means that tries to out do others
shpesh nuk di as vet si jam,
often i don't know how i am myself
Por nje gje sigurt e di
but one thing i know for sure
mbreti im je vetem ti.
you are my only king
Per ty jam une mbretereshe
i am a queen for you
per ty dhe robereshe
and also a slave
ndoshta kjo eshte qmenduri
maybe this is madness
qmenduri, per dashuri.
crazy for love
Dhe as ti nuk je i sigurt
and you aren't sure either
a jam e eger, apo jam e urte
am i wild or am i tamed
ky rast kurr s’ka me u ndriqu
this chance has never shone
se as vet s’di me tregu.
'cause i couldn't for tell myself
Kur je i keq dua te shkaterroj
when you are bad i want to ruin you
kur i mire, shpirtin ta dhuroj
when you are good, i grant you my soul
nese m’do, per ty do te vdes
if you love me, i will die for you
n’kofsh bektesh, e merr vesh.
if you are a (bektesh?), you understand.