Translation of the song Ushtrine time artist Adelina Ismaili
Ushtrine time
My army
Nje sy tklatert shum e deshta por ai me tradhtoj
One blue eye * I loved very much but he cheated on me
prej at dit ne zi jam veshur dhe vetem vajtoj
Since that day in wearing black and only cry
shume vajza nqaf i mori se din qeshte dashnia
He took in his neck *1 many girls because they didn't know what's love
por un hakun do ta nxjerr let merr vesh qeshte vetmia
But I'll get revenge so he will know what's loneliness.
Ushtrine time do ta bej me Ibrahim rugoven
I'll create my army with Ibrahim Rugova*2
ty o djal do te denoj ta qliroj kosoven
You Oh boy I'll punish you to free Kosovo
bes besen ta kom dhon me mua ska hajgare
My bes *3 I've gave to you with me you can't play games
nuk guxon me askush tklun me vajza shqiptare
None dares to touch and to bother Albanian girls