Translation of the song Mis värvi on armastus artist Uno Loop
Mis värvi on armastus
What color is the love?
Su huultel nii värskelt, kui juunis punetab maasikavärv
It's so fresh at your lips when in June they mantle like strawberry.
Su juuksed on puravikpruunid, silmad kui sinine järv.
Your hair is brown like boleti and the eyes are like a blue lake.
Neid värve ma näen, neid värve ma tean, neist laulugi kokku sean ...
This color I can see, this color I know, about this color I even will sing a song.
Kuid mis värvi on armastus, kes seda teab?
But what color is the love of, who knows this?
Mis värvi on armastus? kui teaks küll oleks hea!
What color is love? If [somebody] knew, it indeed would be great!
Su aknad maaliksin kohe just seda värvi ma,
I would paint your windows right now in this color
Et iga päev mu armastust siis näeksid sa, siis näeksid sa
So that every day my love you would thus see, you would thus see.
Mürkkollaseks muudab mind ootus, sinuta maailm on hall,
My waiting is turning toxic-yellow, the world is grey without you,
Vaid igatsust leevendav lootus särab kui hõbekristall.
Only a longing-alleviating hope is shining like a silver crystal.
Neid värve ma näen, neid värve ma tean, neist laulugi kokku sean ...
This color I can see, this color I know, about this color I even will sing a song.
Öö purjetab mustaval laeval, tuleb siis päev mul näib,
The night is sailing past the black boat, then the day will come, as [it] seems to me,
Et roosaka pintsliga taevast, värvimas koidukiir käib.
So that with pink painting brush from the sky, the ray of the dawn would pass
Neid värve ma näen, neid värve ma tean, neist laulugi kokku sean ...
This color I can see, this color I know, about this color I even will sing a song.