Translation of the song VAR artist Kuan



English translation


Deli gönül neyi özler durursun

Infautated heart what are you yearning for

Acınacak dostun cananın mı var

Is there a friend,a beloved to ache that you have

Dünya yansa yorganın yok içinde

Once world burns,you don't have quilt inside it.

Harab olmuş evin dükkanın mı var

Is there a crambled house,a store that you have

Çal nayını ferahnakte ver karar

Play your flute,make your decision in joy

Götün nazır kulağın müsteşar

Your arse is minister,your ear is undersecretary

Kumda oyna çöp batmasın aşikar

Play in the sand,in order that rubbish won't sting obviously

Düşünecek senin zamanın mı var

Is there any time for you to think

Kendi cihanda bak sen keyfine

In your world,enjoy yourself

Kulak asma halkın hayfa hayfine

Don't go by the folk's shame on injustice

Tamburuna kemanına define

Treasure to your tambour,violin

Sen de katıl neyde noksanın mı var

You should join too,Is there anything that you lack of in Ney

Şu kırk yıldır senin daran alındı

Up to this 40 years,you have been weighed

Suratına yüz bin kara çalındı

You've been accused of for a thousand of time

Nasıl olsa bu bokluğa dalındı

Somehow,this shit has been dived

Neyzenden de büyük isyanın mı var

Is there a revolt that you have greater than Neyzen

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