Translation of the song Za Bosnu su dali živote artist Unknown Artist (Bosnian)
Za Bosnu su dali živote
They gave their lives for Bosnia
Gorjela, zemlja ko u paklu!
The earth was burning like in hell!
Bihac su branili heroji!
Heroes were defending Bihac!
U trenutku, smrtna je strijela,
In a moment, a deadly arrow,
U bitki je mladi život odnjela.
Has taken away a young life.
Ne tuguj sine, ponosan budi ti!
Do not grieve son, be proud!
Otac je tvoj za slobodu pao,
your father has fallen for freedom,
Za Bosnu život dao!
For Bosnia he gave his life!
Pratili ga i otac i majka,
He was sent off by both mother and father,
sa kucnoga, mahali mu praga.
They waved to him from the house doorstep.
U duši, molitva za sina,
In the soul, there is a prayer for their son,
U srcu im Bosna domovina.
In their heart, there is Bosnia the Homeland.
Moji najmiliji, ne žalite sina.
My loved ones, do not grieve for your son.
Branio sam narod svoj, to mi je sudbina!
I defended my people, that is my destiny!
Zamrli su, vakufski sokaci.
The streets of Vakuf are empty.
Tama pala, oluja se sprema!
Darkness has fallen, a storm is coming!
Iz oblaka, munja nebo para,
A bolt of lightning from the clouds tears the sky,
vjetar kao junak progovara.
The wind as a hero speaks out.
Ne placi najdraža, budi ponosna!
Do not cry, my dearest, be proud!
Da sam imo sto života za Bosnu bih dao ja!
Even if I had a hundred lives, I would give them all for Bosnia!