Translation of the song Semesta artist Maliq & D'essentials



English translation


Denting dawai menyuarakan sebuah awal kisah

The strings sound the beginning of a story

Kehidupan yang berjalan

About life that goes on

Detik berputar, hari dimulai

Time is ticking, day is begun

Mengantarkan insan ke dalam semestanya di dunia

Taking human into their universe in the world

Waktu takkan pernah mengulang

Time can never be repeated

Dan rahasia kan menyapa tanpa salah

And secrets would greet with no mistake

Di hari yang ditentukan

On the day that had been decided

Dilahirkan, ditemukan, dan dipisahkan

Born, founded, and separated

Gugur satu tumbuhlah berjuta cinta

When one is fallen, he grows another millions of love

Manusia bercinta melahirkan jiwa ke dunia

Human loves and brings souls into the world

Sang Penyair menorehkan garis awal kehidupan

The Poet writes the beginning of life

Yang berjalan terencana

That goes as planned

Dalam pesan yang bermakna

In meaningful messages

Layaknya sebuah misteri

Like a mystery

Berliku jalan tak pasti

There goes some uncertain paths

Hadapi nyata duniawi

Face the worldly reality

Mengalir air surgawi

Feel the heavenly felicity

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