Translation of the song 友よ artist Nobuyasu Okabayashi



English translation


友よ 夜明けは近い 夜明けは近い

Comrade, the dawn is near, the dawn is near

友よ 夜明け前の闇の中で

Comrade, among the darkness before the dawn

友よ 戦いの炎をもやせ

Comrade, let's burn the flames of the battle

夜明けは近い 夜明けは近い

The dawn is near, the dawn is near

友よ この闇の向こうには

Comrade, across the darkness

友よ 輝くあしたがある

Comrade, there's a shining tomorrow

友よ 君の涙 君の汗が

Comrade, the day will come

友よ むくわれるその日がくる

Comrade, and your tears and sweat will be rewarded

夜明けは近い 夜明けは近い

The dawn is near, the dawn is near

友よ この闇の向こうには

Comrade, across the darkness

友よ 輝くあしたがある

Comrade, there's a shining tomorrow

友よ のぼりくる朝日の中で

Comrade, in the morning sun that will rise

友よ 喜びをわかちあおう

Comrade, let's share the joy

夜明けは近い 夜明けは近い.....

The dawn is near, the dawn is near

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