Čudno se ponašaš, više se ne javljaš
You behave strangely, you don't call anymore
Društvo izbegavaš jer šetaš lepšu polovinu
You're avoiding friends because you're walking with your better half
Koja ti naredjuje, život uredjuje
Who orders you around, dictates your life
Što potvrdjuje
Which confirms that
Umesto kurca sad imaš vaginu
Instead of a dick you now have a vagina
Muče me pitanja neka retorička
I'm bothered by questions, some rhetorical ones
Kako si od muškarca postao pička
How did you turn from a man into a pussy
Kako od samog sebe te sramota nije
How are you not ashamed of yourself
Dok ti kuvaš ona pije
While you're cooking, she is drinking
Muče me pitanja o vašoj vezi
I'm bothered by questions about your relationship
S'kolko si prvi put dobio menzis
How old were you when you got your first period
Da li te jebe u usta ili čmar
Is she fucking you in the mouth or in the asshole
Ne znam u čemu je stvar
I don't know what is up
I zašto si papučar
And why you are henpecked
Ne znam dal ti mozak fali
I don't know if you're missing a brain
Dzabe pričam ja budali
I'm talking to a fool in vain
Vodiš je na koncert frajli
You take her to a Frajle1 concert
Nakon koga ona piči dalje u provod
After which she sods off to have fun
A tebe šalje da ideš kući svojoj nazad
And sends you to go back home
Jer ti ne dozvoljava izlazak samom u grad
Because she doesn't let you go out to town with me
Muče me pitanja neka retorička
I'm bothered by questions, some rhetorical ones
Kako si od muškarca postao pička
How did you turn from a man into a pussy
Kako od samog sebe te sramota nije
How are you not ashamed of yourself
Dok ti kuvaš ona pije
While you're cooking, she is drinking
Muče me pitanja o vasoj vezi
I'm bothered by questions about your relationship
S'kolko si prvi put dobio menzis
How old were you when you got your first period
Da li te jebe u usta ili čmar
Is she fucking you in the mouth or in the asshole
Ne znam u čemu je stvar
I don't know what is up
I zašto si papučar
And why you are henpecked
Nakon što te je sažvakala
After having chewed you up
Ko kosti te ispljunula
She spat you out like bones
Jer sisa što se šlihta
Because the boot-licking tit
Više nije joj zanimljiva
Isn't interesting to her anymore
Sada traži novog mangupa
Now she's looking for a new rowdy
Sa kojim isto bi da postupa
Who she'd like to treat the same way
A ako ga ne prevaspita
And if she doesn't re-educate him
Tebe če zvati opet
She'll call you again
Da ti se vrati pomirljiva
To come back to you, trying to make peace
Muče me pitanja neka retorička
I'm bothered by questions, some rhetorical ones
Kako si od muškarca postao pička
How did you turn from a man into a pussy
Kako od samog sebe te sramota nije
How are you not ashamed of yourself
Dok ti kuvaš ona pije
While you're cooking, she is drinking
Muče me pitanja o vašoj vezi
I'm bothered by questions about your relationship
S'kolko si prvi put dobio menzis
How old were you when you got your first period
Da li te jebe u usta ili čmar
Is she fucking you in the mouth or in the asshole
Ne znam u čemu je stvar
I don't know what is up
I zašto si papučar
And why you are henpecked