Zaboravljamo heroje i junake,
We are forgetting the heroes and brave ones,
pamtimo samo loše likove,
we remember only the bad guys,
jer nam zemljom upravljaju stranke
because our land is governed by the parties
što štite lopove i nitkove.
that protect the thieves and scoundrels.
Naša deca odlaze dok mene
Our children are leaving while i
brine da li će se vratiti,
worry if they will ever return,
a ti bleneš u rijaliti!
and you stare at reality!
Naši životi su laž,
Our lives are lie,
drugi sa njima rukovode.
the others manipulate them.
Imamo dugačak staž
We have got the long internship
lišeni slobode.
with our freedom took away.
Nebitne stvari drže nas podalje
Unimportant things keep us away
od same suštine i realnosti.
from the essence and reality itself.
One su paravan koje staju
They are the wall that stands
iza svake sramne istine i stvarnosti.
between every shameful truth and verity.
Mirno spavaj, nacijo,
Sleep peacefully, nation,
pod okupacijom!
under the occupation!
Zaboravljamo heroje i junake,
We are forgetting the heroes and brave ones,
pamtimo samo loše likove,
we remember only the bad guys,
jer nam zemljom upravljaju stranke
because our land is governed by the parties
što štite lopove i nitkove.
that protect the thieves and scoundrels.
Naša deca odlaze dok mene
Our children are leaving while i
brine da li će se vratiti,
worry if they will ever return,
a ti bleneš u rijaliti!
and you stare at reality!
Bez empatije smo rođeni u sebičnim željama,
Without empathy we are born in the selfish desires,
i kroz život vođeni stranim idejama.
and led through the life by the foreign ideas.
Iza malih ekrana živimo tuđe živote, volimo idiote!
Behind the small screens we live the lives of others, we love the idiots!
Duševna nam je hrana da gledamo grozote, užas i strahote!
Our spiritual food is watching atrocities, dread and the horrors!
Uživamo u teroru voditelja.
We enjoy the terror of the presenter.
Pratimo noćnu moru iz fotelja!
We contemplate the nightmare from the armchairs!
Zaboravljamo heroje i junake,
We are forgetting the heroes and brave ones,
pamtimo samo loše likove,
we remember only the bad guys,
jer nam zemljom upravljaju stranke
because our land is governed by the parties
što štite lopove i nitkove.
that protect the thieves and scoundrels.
Naša deca odlaze dok mene
Our children are leaving while i
brine da li će se vratiti,
worry if they will ever return,
a ti bleneš u rijaliti!
and you stare at reality!