Jedem meso, jedem i kosti
I eat meat, I eat bones too
Prema pečenju nemam milosti
Towards grilled food I have no mercy
Curi mast dok zubima meljem
Grease dripping down, while I grind with my teeth
Jela što su imala roditelje
Foods that used to have parents
Jedem piliće, jedem i patke
I eat chicks, i eat ducks too
Pečene kuniće i svinjske papke
Grilled rabbits, and pig hoops
Od tebe mi treba samo jedno, brate
From you i need only one thing, bro
Savet oko izbora salate!
Advice over a salad choice!
Da l’ da naručim šopsku?
Should I order shopska?
Za vrućinu tropsku?
For heat the tropical?
Peć se već dimi
The oven is already smoking
Vegane, pomozi mi!
Vegan help me!
Ili neku drugu?
Or some else?
Daj, reci svom drugu
C'mon, tell your friend
Šta sada da radi?
What should he do now?
Umirem od gladi!
I'm starving!
Jedem mrsno čak i kad se posti
I eat meat even when there's a fast on
Prkosno žvaćem gadosti
I defiantly chow on abominations
Iznutrice, mozak sveže žrtve
Guts, brain of a fresh victim
Do juče žive, a danas mrtve
Yesterday alive, but today dead
Jedem slaninu bilo koje marke
I eat bacon of any brand
Juneću slabinu i duvan čvarke
Beef loin and pork cracklings
Od tebe mi treba samo jedno, brate
From you need one thing, bro
Savet oko izbora salate!
Advice over a salad choice!
Da l’ da naručim šopsku?
Should I order shopska?
Za vrućinu tropsku?
For heat the tropical?
Peć se već dimi
The oven is already smoking
Vegane, pomozi mi!
Vegan help me!
Ili neku drugu?
Or some else?
Daj, reci svom drugu
C'mon, tell your friend
Šta sada da radi?
What should he do now?
Umirem od gladi!
I'm starving!
Sve što mi treba sad da utolim glad
All I need to cure my hunger
Je Diznijeva postava!
is Disney's lineup
Realizacija ekranizacija
Realisation of the screening
I kućna dostava
And home delivery
Eno ga Bambi, nož mu zabij
There goes Bambi, knife him,
Sutra da bi jeli ga na svadbi!
so we can eat him tomorrow at a wedding!
Za ispraćaje i slave trebaju nam glave
For the dispatches* and slavas**, we need heads
Sa tri praseta i pašteta!
Of the three piglets and pate!
Pomozi oko izbora salate!
Help over the salad choice!
Da l’ da naručim šopsku?
Should I order shopska?
Za vrućinu tropsku?
For heat the tropical?
Peć se već dimi
The oven is already smoking
Vegane, pomozi mi!
Vegan help me!
Ili neku drugu?
Or some else?
Daj, reci svom drugu
C'mon, tell your friend
Šta sada da radi?
What should he do now?
Umirem od gladi!
I'm starving!