Translation of the song Zatvor artist Mortal Kombat



English translation


Nisam vas čuo dugo, prijatelji stari,

I haven't heard from you for long, my old friends,

Kako je napolju drugari?

How is it outside, mates?

Mestimično sa kišom, zemlja krvari

It rains in places, the land bleeds

Kako mi je majka, da li pati za svojim sinom?

How is my mother, does she suffer for her son?

Želim znati.

I want to know.

Majka i dalje zbog tebe pati

Mother still suffers for you,

Još dugo neće prestati!

she won't stop for a long time.

A moja bivša ljubav, da l' me pominje nekad?

And my ex love, does she mention me sometimes?

Da l' me želi nazad?

Does she want me back?

Udala se, ima i malo dete sad

She got married, she's got a little kid now.

Da li zdravlje mog druga ide ka boljitku,

Is my friend's health getting better,

pošaljite mu pozdrav i čestitku.

send him my regards and a greeting card.

U bolnici, izgubio je poslednju bitku

In hospital, he has lost his last battle.



Ovaj svet ne prepoznajem,

I don't recognize this world,

da li ću imati čemu da se radujem

will i have something to look forward to

kad izađem?

when i get out?

Um mi je pomračen, mnogo sam ogorčen,

My mind is darkened, i'm quite embittered,

kako je vaša rodbina?

how is your family?

Jebote, već je Nova godina,

Fuck, it's a New Year already,

Ja ću u zatvoru sam da je dočekam.

i will wait for it alone in prison.

Bez procesa, bez krivičnog dela

Without a process, without a criminal act,

Al' eto mene KPZ Zabela,

But here i am KPZ Zabela,

A pored mene, tu je nacija cela.

And next to me is the whole nation.

Nemojte se za mene bojati

Do not fear for me

da će me bolest satrti,

that the sickness will crush me,

Imam strah od života, ne plašim se više smrti.

i fear life, i'm not afraid of death anymore.

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