Eh lici, lici, dodji malo cici
Ej girl, girl, come to your uncle
Eh da te cica malo kalaise
Ej, so that your uncle caresses you a little bit
Eh od koljena pa gore na vise
Ej, from your knees and up
Και στην άμυνα εκεί όλοι αξιωματικοί
And in defense, there are all the officers
Πολεμάει κι ο Βενιζέλος
Venizelos fights too
Που αυτός θα φέρει τέλος
That he will bring the end
Και ο κάθε πατριώτης θα μας φέρουν την ισότης
And each patriot will bring the equality
Eh lici, lici dodji malo cici
Ej girl, girl, come to your uncle
Eh dodji dedi date malo deda
Ej, come to grandpa, so grandpa will
Eh da te deda malo izujeda
Ej, so grandpa will bite you a little