1.Kengen nis mes luftrash nje punetor
1.The song starts a worker amid fighting
Dhe kete zjarr e solli neper vatra
And he brought that fire to the hearths
Ngroh gjithe zemrat proletare
It warms all proletarian hearts
Kenga fitimtare.
The victorious song.
2.Eshte ne nota gjaku qe pikoi
2.It’s in the scores the blood that has been dripped
Pentagramet jane si barrikada
The pentagrams serve as barricades
Del nga zemra, shkon nder luftera
It comes from the heart, it goes to the wars
Dhe merr ajo flatra
And it takes on flying
Dhe merr ajo flatra
And it takes on flying
3.Eshte besimi n’ditet qe do vijne
3.It's the confidence on the days to come
Gjithe enderrimet te thjeshta hyjne ne vargje
All dreams come in verses modestly
N'ditet e sotme dhe e neserme
In today’s and tomorrow’s days
Zemra proletare, zemra proletare.
The proletarian hearts, proletarian hearts.
Permbi te qelluan plumbat
Bullets were fired at you
Permbi te u derdhen zjarre
Fires were poured over you
Por flamur shpalosur mbete
But you stood an unfurled banner
Kenga fitimtare
Victorious song.
Me e re u be nder luftera
It came out younger through wars
Me e forte u be nder zjarre
It came out stronger through fires
Barricade per kengen jane
The barricades defending songs are
Gjokset proletare.
The proletarian chests.
4.Eshte ne nota gjaku qe pikoi
4.It’s in the scores the blood that has been dripped
Pentagramet jane si barrikada
The pentagrams serve as barricades
Del nga zemra, shkon nder luftera
It comes from the heart, it goes to the wars
Dhe merr ajo flatra
And it takes on flying
Dhe merr ajo flatra
And it takes on flying
5. Eshte besimi n’ditet qe do vijne
5.It's the confidence on the days to come
Gjithe enderrimet te thjeshta hyjne ne vargje
All dreams come in verses modestly
N'ditet e sotme dhe e neserme
In today's and tomorrow's days
Zemra proletare, zemra proletare.
Proletarian hearts, proletarian hearts.