Translation of the song La bolintinu' din vale artist Viorica de la Clejani


La bolintinu' din vale

English translation

At the pub from down the valley

Foaie verdeeeee one, 2 , 3, 4 este, este, este.. lelelele, trei migdale

Goes like grean leaf one 2 , 3 to 4, so it goes so it goes so it goes,

La Bolintinul din vale

my my my and 3 migdals

Este un put cu 5 izvoare

At the pub from down the valley

Ramdiri diri dida

a fountain 'tis found by 5 springs surrounded

Cine bea din ele moare

Ramdiri diri dida

Ramdiri diri dida

He who's to drink from them 'tis but to die

Este un put cu 5 izvoare

Ramdiri diri dida

Ramdiri diri dida

'tis found a fountain with surrounded by 5 springs

Cine bea din ele moare

Ramdiri diri dida

Ramdiri diri dida

He who's to drink from them 'tis but to die

Tot am zis ma duc, ma duc

I've kept sayin that i'd be gone , i'd be gone

Si nimeni nu m-a crezut

And no one believed me so

Dar acum or sa ma creada

But as of now they'd be but to believe so

Ca n-are sa ma mai vada

Cause they're not to see me anymore

Dar acum or sa ma creada

But as of now they'd be but to believe so

Ca n-are sa ma mai vada

Cause they're not to see me anymore

Foaie verdeeeee 1, 2 , 3 , si 4 ... trei migdale

grean leaf one 2 , 3 to 4, my my my and 3 migdals

Amarat e omul, Doamne

Such bitterness's pushin the human soul

Cand se culca si n-adoarme

When he'd be but to lay down for sleep and he's but to not have any rest

diri diri didiri di da

diri diri didiri di da

Ar manca si nu-i e foame

He'd eat yet he'd have no food crave

Cand se culca si n-adoarme

When he'd be but to lay down for sleep and he's but to not find his sleep

Ar manca si nu-i e foame

He'd eat yet he'd have no food crave

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