Translation of the song El rocanrol de los idiotas artist Joaquin Sabina


El rocanrol de los idiotas

English translation

The Rock and Roll of Fools

Yo no tení­a ganas de reír,

I wasn't feeling like laughing,

Tú reí­as para no llorar;

You were laughing to not cry;

Yo le guiñaba un ojo a mi nariz,

I was winking at my nose,

Tú consolabas a tu soledad

You were consoling your solitude.

Yo sin ninguna escoba que vender,

I wasn't having a broom for sale1,

Tú con mil y una noches que olvidar;

You were having one thousand and one nights to forget;

A mí­ no me querí­a una mujer,

There wasn't even a woman loving me,

A ti se te morí­a una ciudad

Your city was dying out.

Tú habí­as perdido el último autobús,

You had missed the last bus,

A mí­ me habí­an echado de otro bar;

They had thrown me out of another bar;

Los mismos alfileres de vudú,

The same voodoo pins,

El mismo cuento que termina mal

The same story which ends up badly.

Pero quiso el cielo

But Heaven would

Bautizar el suelo

Baptize the ground

Con su gota a gota

With its drop by drop

Y con champú de arena

And with sand shampoo

Para tu melena

For your broken-doll

De muñeca rota


Y tu mirada azul

And your blue glance

Me dijo a cara o cruz

Told me: let's toss for it,

Y mi alma de tahur

And my gambler soul

Lo puso a doble o nada

doubled it down.

Y los peces de colores de mis botas

And my boots like coloured fish

Y tus marchitos zapatitos de tacón

And your faded, heeled little shoes,

Locos por naufragar

mad about to be wrecked,

Salieron a bailar

They went out to dance,

Al ritmo de la lluvia sobre las capotas

In time to the rain over the hoods,

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

Yo no vení­a de ningún paí­s,

I wasn't coming from any country,

Tú ibas camino de cualquier lugar;

You were on your way to everywhere;

Conmigo no contaba el porvenir,

The future wasn't counting on me,

De ti no se acordaba el verbo amar

The verb love wasn't remembering you.

Yo no jugaba para no perder,

I wasn't playing so as not to lose,

Tú hacias trampas para no ganar;

You were cheating so as not to win;

Yo no rezaba para no creer,

I wasn't praying so as not to believe,

Tú no besabas para no soñar

You weren't kissing so as not to dream.

Y sin equí­vocos de vodevil

And, without vaudeville misunderstandings

Ni alertas rojas en el corazón

Or red alerts in heart,

El dios de la tormenta quiso abrir

The storm god would open

La caja de los truenos y tronó,

Pandora's box so there were thunder,

Porque quiso el cielo

Because Heaven would

Acariciar el suelo

Caress the ground

Con su gota a gota

With its drop by drop

Y con champú de arena

And with sand shampoo

Para tu melena

For your broken-doll

De muñeca rota


Qué disparate de

How absurd that

Partida de ajedrez

Chess game

Con un partenaire

With a partner

Adicta al jaque mate

Who was addict to checkmate!

Y tu bolso como un nido de gaviotas

And your handbag like a seagull nest

Y mi futuro con pan duro en el cajón

And my future with stale bread in chest.

Locos por naufragar

Being mad about to be wrecked,

Salieron a bailar

They went out to dance,

Al ritmo de la lluvia sobre las capotas

In time to the rain over the hoods,

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

Capeando el temporal

Riding out the storm,

Salieron a bailar

They went out to dance

Como dos locos bajo el chaparrón de notas

Like two madmen under the shower of notes

Del rocanrol de los idiotas

Of the Rock and Roll of Fools.

El rocanrol,

The Rock and Roll,

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools

Como tu y como yo

Like me and you,

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

Se marcó la calle

The street had

Con aquel detalle

A nice touch with us

De dejarnos solos

Leaving us alone.

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

Y por casualidad

And by chance

Comenzó a tocar

it started to play

La flauta de Bartolo

The Bartolo's flute2.

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

Go Johnny go, go, go

Go Johnny go, go, go.

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

All you need is love

All you need is love.

Y bailar

And dancing

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

A vam ba baluba balam bam bu

A wamba buluba balam bambu.

Tutti frutti

Tutti frutti.

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

Don't worry

Don't worry.

El rocanrol de los idiotas

The Rock and Roll of Fools.

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