Translation of the song Eva tomando el sol artist Joaquin Sabina


Eva tomando el sol

English translation

Eva getting a tan

Todo empezó cuando aquella serpiente

It all started when the serpent

me trajo una manzana y dijo prueba.

brought me an apple and said: do taste it!

Yo me llamaba Adán,

My name was Adam,

seguramente tú te llamabas Eva.

surely your name was Eva.

Vivíamos de scuoters en un piso

We lived as squatters in a deserted

abandonado de Moratalaz

flat in Moratalaz;

si no has estado allí

if you haven't ever been there

no has visto el paraíso terrenal.

You have not seen the heaven on the earth!

Cogimos un colchón de una basura,

We took a mattress from the rubbish,

dos sillas y una mesa con tres patas,

two chairs and a table with three legs,

mientras yo emborronaba partituras

while I was sketching scores

tu freías las patatas.

you were frying potatoes.

Plantamos cañamones de ketama

We planted seeds of cannabis ketama

y un tiesto nos creció ante el ventanal,

and a pot raised up to the window,

con una rama de árbol

with a tree branch

de la ciencia del bien y del mal.

of the knowledge of good and evil.

A Eva le gustaba estar morena

Eva liked tanning

y se tumbaba cada tarde al sol,

and every afternoon was laying in the sun,

nadie vio nunca una sirena

nobody ever had seen before a mermaid

tan desnuda en un balcón.

so naked on a balcony.

Pronto en cada ventana hubo un marido

Suddenly, there was a husband at each window

a la hora en que montaba el show mi chica,

at the time my girl began her show

aunque en la tele diera en diferido

even if on TV in delayed coverage

el Real Madrid - Benfica.

there was Real Madrid vs. Benfica.

Un día la víbora del entresuelo

One day the snake from mezzanine

en trance a su consorte sorprendió,

surprised his consort in a trance.

formó un revuelo y telefoneó al 092.

He did a stir, and phoned 092*.

Y como no teníamos apellidos,

And as we had no surnames,

ni hojas de parra, ni un tío concejal,

nor vine leaves, nor a counsellor uncle,

ni más Dios que Cupido

and no Gods, except for Cupid

no sirvió de nada protestar.

our protesting was useless.

Eva tomando el sol, bendito descontrol.

Eva was sunbathing, what a blessed lack of control!

Besos, cebolla y pan, que más quieres Adán.

Kisses, onion and bread, what do you need more, Adam?

Un juez que se creía Dios dispuso

A judge who thought he was God ordered

que precintara un guardia nuestro piso.

our flat be sealed by a guardsman:

No quedan plazas para dos intrusos en el paraíso.

there is no place for two intruders in paradise!

Estábamos sobre el colchón desnudos

We were naked on our mattress

jugando a nuestro juego favorito,

playing our favorite game,

al ver entrar la pasma

and as soon as the cops came in

Eva no pudo sofocar un grito.

Eva could not restrain a scream.

A golpes la bajó por la escalera

She was thrown down the stairs

un ángel disfrazado de alguacil

by an angel disguised as a sheriff

sin importarle un pijo

regardless she was pregnant,

que estuviera encinta de Caín.

expecting his Cain.

Hoy Eva vende en un supermercado

Today Eva works in a supermarket

manzanas del pecado original.

selling apples of the original sin.

Yo canto en la calle Preciados,

I sing in Preciados street,

todos me llaman Adán.

all the people call me Adam.

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