Translation of the song Pobre Cristina artist Joaquin Sabina


Pobre Cristina

English translation

Poor little Christina

Era tan pobre que no tenía más que dinero

She was a pauper, having nothing other than money

besos de sobre de herencia de su padre naviero.

A trustfund set up by her shipbuilder tycoon daddy

Anfetaminas y alcohol, desayuno Miss Onassis,

Pel pills and booze, that's all she's gotten for breakfast

pobre Cristina, que al fin logró quedarse en el chasis.

Poor little Christina, she finally got to be all skin and bones

Solo yo se que dice la pura verdad

I am the only one who knows she's being true,

cuando jura que toda su fortuna daría

whenever she says she would give up her money

por echarse un noviete aburrido y formal

For having a lame and conventional boyfriend

por entrar de oficiala en una peluquería.

For being an apprentice at a hairdressing salon

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

suspira y fantasea con que la piropea un albañil

She fantasises and yearns for being catcalled by a bricklayer

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

que un botones vea si le puede conseguir pastillas para dormir.

Can the bellboy go out and get her more of those sleeping pills?

Corazón tierno, los dueños del verano la miman

Such a sweetheart, the summer regents are spoiling her

pero el invierno no se lo saca nunca de encima.

Winter, however, she cannot shake it off completely

Con su cara de dólar ha amortizado varios maridos

She's such a dowager, having written off a couple of marriages already

pero siempre está sola poniéndole una vela a Cupido.

But she's always so lonely, lightning candles for love

De la isla de Scorpios en yate a New York

In a yacht from the Skorpios Island all the way to New York

del gran baile de Mónaco a cenar al Maxim’s.

Dinning at Maxim's after having attended the Rose Ball

Guardaespaldas armados la sacan del Rolls

Escorted out of her Rolls by her bodyguards

un amante alquilado le calienta la suite.

A kept man is already waiting for her at the suite.

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

dirige una oficina sentada en la piscina de incosol

She runs her business laying down at the Incosol Spa

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

aunque se derrita empapadita de sudor no se quita el albornoz.

Her bath robe she will never take off, even when she's all drenched with sweat

Mil y un tipejos las flechas del amor le disparan

Many a man has tried to court her

sólo el espejo le escupe la verdad a la cara.

The mirror is the only one willing to tell the truth to her face

Nadie le advierte que al cielo no se va en Limusina

No one has warned her, she isn't getting to Heaven on her limo

que mala suerte que no acepte la muerte propina.

It's such a pity, the Grim Reaper isn't taking on gratuity

Vale más ser la hija de fulano de tal

It would be better being daughter to a no-one

que la niña mimada de los ojos de ari

Than the apple of Aristotle's eyes

pesa tanto la sombra de papá superman

Living under his shadow is such a petty job

míralo en esa foto organizando un safari.

Look at him going out on safari in that reel

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

suspira y fantasea con que la piropea un albañil

She fantasises and yearns for being catcalled by a bricklayer

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

que un botones vea si le puede conseguir pastillas para dormir.

Can the bellboy go out and get her more of those sleeping pills?

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

dirige una oficina sentada en la piscina de incosol

She runs her business laying down at the Incosol Spa

Cris…, Cris…, Cristina

Chris... Chris... Christina

aunque se derrita perfumada de sudor no se quita el albornoz.

Her bath robe she will never take off, even when she's all drenched with sweat

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