Translation of the song Rebajas de enero artist Joaquin Sabina


Rebajas de enero

English translation

January sales

Huyendo del frío busqué en las rebajas de enero

Fleeing from the cold I searched in the January sales

Y hallé una morena bajita que no estaba mal,

and I came across a short brunette who wasn't bad,

Cansada de tanto esperar el amor verdadero

she, tired of waiting so much for true love

Le dio por poner un anuncio en la prensa local.

she decided to post in the local press.

“Absténganse brutos y obsesos en busca de orgasmo”,

Restrain yourselves brutes and sex maniacs in search of orgasm,

no soy dado a tales excesos, así que escribí,

I'm not given to such excesses, so I wrote,

“Te puedo dar todo -añadía- excepto entusiasmo”,

I can give you everything -I was adding- except enthusiasm,

nos vimos tres veces, la cuarta se vino a dormir.

we saw each other three times, the forth she came over to sleep.

Apenas llegó

As soon as she arrived

Se instaló para siempre en mi vida.

she settled down forever in my life.

No hay nada mejor

There is nothing better

Que encontrar un amor a medida.

than finding love made for you.

Como otras parejas tuvimos historias de celos,

Like other couples we had stories of jealousy,

Historias de gritos y besos, de azúcar y sal,

stories of screams and kisses, of sugar and salt,

Un piso en Atocha no queda tan cerca del cielo

a flat in Atocha doesn't stay so close to the sky

Y yo, la verdad, nunca he sido un amante ideal.

and I, the truth is, have never been an ideal lover.

Y contra pronóstico han ido pasando los años,

And against prediction the years have gone passing,

Tenemos estufa, dos gatos y tele en color,

we have a heater, two cats and colour TV,

Si dos no se engañan, mal pueden tener desengaños…

if two don't deceive each other, they can have bad disillusions…

¿emociones fuertes? Buscadlas en otra canción.

strong emotions? Look for them in another song.

Apenas llegó

As soon as she arrived

Se instaló para siempre en mi vida,

she settled down forever in my life.

No hay nada mejor

There is nothing better

Que encontrar un amor a medida.

than finding love made for you.

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