Tan bonic i tan difícil d'oblidar,
So beautiful and so hard to forget,
ni el temps ni la distància
neither the time or the distance
podran parar el ball.
will be able to stop the dance.
Com un estiu enmig l'hivern,
Like a summer amidst the winter,
viatjant per somnis passatgers
travelling through temporary dreams
que ja no són efímers.
that aren't ephemeral anymore.
I tan difícil d'oblidar
And so hard to forget
que ho vam escriure, ho vam cantar
that we wrote it, we sang it
perquè volíem fer-ho gran.
because we wanted to make it big.
Que sols amb tu podíem escapar.
Only with you we could get away.
Pintar de roig el cel,
Paint the sky in red,
seguir volant.
keep on flying.
Cada vegada que pense en vós,
Every time I think of you,
vull recordar la melodia del teu cos.
I want to remember the melody of your body.
Ets la dolçor que li falta al mar,
You're the sweetness the sea lacks,
l'endemà, la llum del far.
the tomorrow, the light of the lighthouse.
Cada vegada que pense en vós,
Every time I think of you,
vull entonar la melodia del teu cos.
I want to sing the melody of your body.
Ets la calor, quan no escalfa el sol,
You're the warmth, when the Sun doesn't heat up,
com una escala cap a dalt del cel, puja amb mi.
like a staircase towards above the sky, go up with me.
Puja amb mi.
Go up with me.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.
Tan bonic, tan sincer i tan real,
So beautiful, so sincere and so real,
que va acabar la història
that the story ended
i no va parar el ball.
but the dance didn't.
Com un refugi al cim més alt,
Like a shelter at the highest peak,
altre cop vas esbrinar
you figured out once again
que em feies falta per cantar.
that I need you so I can sing.
Cada vegada que pense en vós,
Every time I think of you,
torna el somriure que dibuixen les cançons.
the smile drawn by the songs comes back.
Ets la dolçor que li falta al mar,
You're the sweetness the sea lacks,
aquella música que ens va fer levitar, puja amb mi.
that music which made us levitate, go up with me.
Puja amb mi.
Go up with me.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.
sols si tu vols,
only if you want,
jugarem a alçar el vol.
we'll play to take flight.