Translation of the song Marina artist Philipp Kirkorov
Caminamos por la playa sonriendo aqua y el sol.
We walk along the beach, water and sun smiling.
Campartiamos contentos la locura del amor.
We'd happily share in the craziness of love.
El dorado de tu pelo ondulado como el mar
The gold of your wavy hair like the sea
Competia con el cielo en su forma de brillar!
Vied with the Heavens in the way it shone!
Deste que te vi, Marina,
Ever since I saw you, Marina,
Te deseo sin cesar
I never stop wanting you
Nadie como tu, Marina,
No one like you, Marina,
Me ha sabido ser vibrar.
Has known how to make me shake
Despertarse lo salvaje
And awaken the savage
Que vive dentro de mi
That lives in me
Y perdido en tu paisaje
And lost in your landscape
Como vivo ya sin ti!
How already I'm living without you!
Femenina como el aqua y caliente como el sol.
Feminine like the water and hot as the sun.
Me rasaba en el alma la caricia de tu voz.
The tenderness of your voice would skim my soul.
Por tu piel tan insinuante resbalaba tu sudor
Your sweat would slide down your flirtatious skin
Y te dije en ese instante que me cierra el amor!
And I told you in that moment to cut off love!
Como si algo te cambiase en tu cara lo lei.
It was as though something changed on your face1
Se que ahora la salvache se volvieran contra mi.
I know that beast [within] is turning against me.
Se rompio en mil pedazos tu ternura de cristal
Your crystal tenderness broke into a thousand pieces
Ti arrancaste de mis brazos no volviste nunca mas!
You pulled away from my arms you haven't returned again!
Y perdido en tu paisaje
And lost in your landscape
Como vivo ya sin ti!
How already I'm living without you!
Y perdido en tu paisaje
And lost in your landscape
Como vivo ya sin ti!
How already I'm living without you!