Translation of the song Veysel artist Can Bonomo



English translation


Derdin mi var aman oy oy oy

Are you in trouble, oh oh oh,

Yüreğin mi yanar oy oy oy

Is your heart burning oh oh oh,

Dize mi geldin, kader amansız

Did you fall on your knee, destiny is cruel,

Hayat anlamsız, aman oy oy oy

Life is pointless, oh oh oh,

Göze mi geldin öyle apansız

Are you affected by the evil eye, all of a sudden..

Hayat izansız, aman oy oy oy

Life is like wavy, oh oh oh,

Dört derya deredir oy oy oy

Four rivers oh oh oh,

Dört dergah derbendin oy oy

Four doors of a castle in a mountain oh oh,

Bir dağa mı çıksak, yarin sözüne tutsak

Shall we climb a mountain, condemned to lover's word,

Bir denize aksak aman oy oy oy

Let's flow into a sea oh oh oh,

Bir eve kapansak

Let's lock ourselves in a house,

Rüyadan uyansak da yoluma varsak

Let's wake up from the dream and reach my way,

Aman oy oy oy

Oh oh oh

Azmet cezmet gayret oy oy

Persist, try hard, oh oh oh,

Sonra ihlal et aman oy oy

And then violate oh oh oh,

Yalnız şimdi mi varsın de

Say to the faith: are you here just right now?

Kader utansın

Make it ashamed,

Yoluna vur aman oy oy oy

Hit the road oh oh oh,

Bir gün sen de erersin

Someday you will be mature(religiously: finding the true/good way)

Bu yola girersin

Be on this straight way,

Kir tutma aman aman oy oy oy

But don't become dirty oh oh oh.

Yiğit harpte, dostlar dertte

Brave man is in a war and his friends is in sorrow,

Yandı gönlüm bir su serp de

My heart is burnt, give it some water and let it feel better,

Uzun ince yollar geç de

Go along the long roads,

Var o yare, var o yare

And reach your love, reach your love,

Veysel geç de

Veysel go and,

Uzun ince yollar geç de

Go along the long roads,

Var o yare, var o yare

And reach your love, reach your love,

Veysel geç de

Veysel go

Yiğit harpte, dostlar dertte

The brave man is in the war, the friends is in sorrow,

Yiğit harpte, dostlar dertte

The brave man is in the war, the friends is in sorrow,

Yiğit harpte, dostlar dertte

The brave man is in the war, the friends is in sorrow,

Yiğit harpte, dostlar dertte

The brave man is in the war, the friends is in sorrow..

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