Translation of the song Diana artist Asriel
In a city which is glittering in a puddle reflection
胸を鳴らす 駆け足の子供達
Are running children that ring my heart
そうさもう一回もう一回 描きたい
That's right, one more time, one more time I want to draw
あの頃出来た 夢 未来 宇宙 願い
Dreams, future, universe, wishes that were made back then
I wish どんなことも叶う I wish 思い出して全部
I wish to remember everything no matter what comes true
I need 生きて 愛を知って 何度でも会いたいんだよ
I need to live, to know love, and I want to meet you no matter how many times it takes
Give me freedom I am a dreamer
Give me freedom I am a dreamer
『変わりたい』の想いがもう chance
Give one more chance to my wish to change
何度でも All because of You
No matter how many times it's all because of You
君に出会い 待ち遠しい朝になる
The longed-for morning of meeting you will arrive
胸を鳴らす 始まりの鐘の音
Sound of the bell of the beginning that rings my heart
そうさもう一回もう一回 描けるよ
That's right, one more time, one more time I can draw
あの頃より強く 優しくなりたい
That I want to become even stronger and gentler than I was back then
I wish どんな道だって I wish 楽しむのだ全部
I wish to enjoy everything no matter which path
Iのままに 愛に生きて 何度でも見つけだすよ
As long as I am myself, I will live in love and I will find out no matter how many times it takes
Give me freedom I am a dreamer
Give me freedom I am a dreamer
『間違いない』はずだから good luck
It's assured that there cannot be any mistakes so good luck
いつだって All because of You
Always it's all because of You
街がはずみ 導く道 キラキラする宝石はDIANA
In the bustling city on a trail is sparkling, a precious stone — DIANA
森も踊り 揺れて光った水面
The forest trees are swaying, water's surface glittered waveringly
I wish どんなことも叶う I wish 思い出して全部
I wish to remember everything no matter what comes true
I need 生きて 愛を知って 何度でも会いたいんだよ
I need to live, to know love, and I want to meet you no matter how many times it takes
Give me freedom I am a dreamer
Give me freedom I am a dreamer
『変わりたい』の想いがもう chance
Give one more chance to my wish to change
何度でも All for you
No matter how many times it's all for You
そういつだって変わらない 何度も夢を見たい
That's right, never changing, I want to dream no matter how many times
あの頃より強く 優しくなる
I will become even stronger and gentler than I was back then
忘れないで なくさないで
Don't forget, don't lose
大事な輝きその願い どんなことだって
The precious brilliance, no matter what is that wish
叶うはず All because of You
It will definitely come true, all because of You