Translation of the song 夢御伽 artist Asriel
さよなら なみだ しばしの別れ
Farewell, tears, a temporary parting
さよなら なみだ 枯れて夜があける
Farewell, tears withering, dawn breaks
父よ母よ友よ 私をつくるものよ
O father, mother, friends, all that made me
O life, continue
変わりたい夜明けに 差し込む光あれ
May light shine on the dawn I wish to change
想いを捨てて それでも生きて人となる
I discarded my heart, but was able to live and become a person
夢は夢で 叶えれば本望
My dream being a dream, my greatest wish is for it to be granted
生きる意味が 自分の中宿らずとも
Even if the meaning of life does not dwell within me,
あなたの中に 宿せたなら
If I could let it dwell inside of you...
さよなら いたみ しばしの別れ
Farewell, pain, a temporary parting
心をわかち 語った記憶よ
Pieces of my heart, memories I spoke of
父よ母よ友よ 懐かしい時間達よ
O father, mother, friends, O nostalgic time
O life, go on
美しい風景 あなたにあげましょう
I shall offer to you this beautiful scenery
想いを捨てて それでも生きて御伽なる
I discarded my heart, but was able to live and become a fairy
物語の 終わりはまだ見えず
The end of the story is far yet
生きる意味が 自分の中宿らずとも
Even if the meaning of life does not dwell within me,
あなたの中 捧げたなら
If I could give it to you...
父よ母よ友よ皆 心をわかち
O father, mother, friends, everyone, pieces of my heart
続けよ命よ愛よ 果てる先にも
O life, love, carry on, to the ends of the earth
想いを捨てて それでも生きて人となる
I discarded my heart, but was able to live and become a person
夢は夢で 叶えれば本望
My dream being a dream, my greatest wish is for it to be granted
生きる意味が 自分の中宿らずとも
Even if the meaning of life does not dwell within me,
あなたの中に 宿れ繋げ
I shall link it to your heart
想いを捨てて それでも生きて御伽なる
I discarded my heart, but was able to live and become a fairy
物語の 終わりはいざ知らず
The end of the story is still unknown
生きる意味が 自分の中宿らずとも
Even if the meaning of life does not dwell within me,
その身に 捧げ生きれたなら
If I can live and devote it all to you...