Translation of the song 100億のフレンズ artist Dragon Ball (OST)
One Hundred Million Friends
何も出来ないと 嘆く前に
If I can't do something, before I weep over it,
もう一度夢を 抱きしめて
I hold onto my dreams once again
If the moon is gone
And the dark night comes
100億のフレンズ キャンドルを灯したら
When one hundred million friends light candles
太陽にも なれる
It becomes like the sun
TRY... その両手を 空に向け
TRY... pointing both of these hands at the sky
心飛ばして 作れ元気玉
My heart soaring, making a Genki-dama
TRY... あきらめずに 信じよう
TRY... I believe we'll never give up
みんなのパワー あわせたら
If everyone's power is combined
A miracle will happen
絶望に胸が 張り裂けても
Even if my heart bursts open in despair
頑丈な夢は 壊れない
My solid dream is unbreakable
One day, we'll destroy
Even all kinds of sorrow
100億のフレンズ 地球を守り抜けば
If one hundred thousand friends protect the earth
ひとりづつが ヒーロー
Each one is a hero
TRY... 熱い想い 空を超え
TRY... aspirations across space
きっと開くよ 未来への扉
Surely the door to the future will open
TRY... 怖がらずに 飛び込もう
TRY... let's throw ourselves forth without fear
みんなの元気 重ねたら
If everyone's energy is gathered
History will change