どこへだって Let's Go!!
Going to where? Let's Go!!
遥か 銀河に手を振り
Lifting my hands to the distant Milky Way
一体全体 どこまで行くのか
How in the world could I go that far?
わからない 終わらない世界
I don't know... the world never ends
きっと 夢膨らむ心は
My heart certainly swells with this dream
Big bang 無限の宇宙と同じさ
Big bang, just like the infinite universe
1▽(one・heart)光年かなた 時をかけ抜けて行け
Running through time, beyond a one-heart light year
その胸の Main Road
It's my heart's main road
何にだって Give it Try!!
Doing what? Give it try!!
さすが 見上げた根性
I expect that's a good attitude
This footwork is a stamp of good health
底力 計りしれない
Immeasurable hidden strength
どんな 渦に巻き込まれても
Even if I get swept up by a big wave
Big wave さらに高い波に挑む
I'll yet challenge the high waves
スーパー・ファイトなエネルギー 夢を勇気に変えて
Super fighting energy changes my dream into courage
コスモスも Main Road
Down the main road, the cosmos