Translation of the song Cosmic Chinese Melody artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Cosmic Chinese Melody
Cosmic Chinese Melody
Tink-twinkle ジュエリー
Twink-twinkle jewelry
Spread out in neverending space
ちょっとすまし 頬づえして ゴージャスな気分よ
Resting my chin on my hand a bit primly, it's a gorgeous feeling
窓に広がるきらめく ミルキー・スター
The glittering milky stars fill the window
だから moony crusing 心地良いのよ
So the moony cruising makes me feel great!
ダイアモンドシャワーみたい 銀河に手を延ばし
It's like a shower of diamonds, extending my hands to the milky way
Pick up ゴメン
Pick up, forgive me
Playing pranks and trying to put together puzzles
Like the familiar constellations
急にフラッシュバック miss you 懐かしくなる
Suddenly I have a flashback, I get homesick and miss you
Cosmic Chinese Melody
Cosmic Chinese melody
飛んでけ my heart
My heart flies away
光越えて 星の間すり抜けて
Surpassing the light, slipping by the stars
Cosmic Chinese Melody
Cosmic Chinese melody
聞こえるでしょ? 私の歌
Can you, maybe, hear my song?
彼方からのメッセージ I love you
My message from far away: I love you
ラムネ色にふくらました しゃぼん玉に乗って
Riding the soap bubbles swelled with a lemonade color
ふわふわと眠りにつく 亜空間シエスタ
Settling into a floating sleep, a hyperspace siesta1
In a carefree, gentle cradle
そっと kiss me, hold me 気持ち良いのよ
Softly kiss me, hold me - it feels so good
Cosmic Chinese Melody
Cosmic Chinese melody
Surrounding me
ほらわかるわ 彗星ハレーに投げキス
Look, I know - I'll throw a kiss at Halley's comet
Cosmic Chinese Melody
Cosmic Chinese melody
I'll never forget
夢の中で会いましょう remember
Let's meet in my dreams... remember
Love you…
Love you…