Translation of the song Dancing in the Space artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Dancing in the Space
Dancing in the Space
Are you ready? All ready?
Are you ready? All ready?
Get ready? START!!
Get ready? START!!
Floating in my heart (a micro-mast boat)
If I cross the waves of the Milky Way (macro-night dreams)
The stars will fade away (the Earth winks at you)
まぶしい泡が降る(神秘の渦 大星雲)
Bright foam rains down (a mysterious vortex, a big galaxy)
Connecting the light of the past and the future
未知なる世界へ 打ち上げた My HEART
My heart has shot off toward an unknown world
We are Dancing in the space.
We are dancing in the space
A super-big adventure (special adventure)
さあ、もっと もっと 違う明日へ
So, it's more and more different, toward tomorrow
We are Dancing in the space.
We are dancing in the space
A strange, big adventure (miracle adventure)
It's a Nonstop! Nonstop!
It's a nonstop! nonstop!
Nonstop Big bang Heart.
Nonstop big bang heart
Are you ready? All ready?
Are you ready? All ready?
Get ready? Go!!
Get ready? Go!!
宇宙の果てまで(ロング・ショットの my eyes)
To the edge of space (long shot my eyes)
真っすぐ突き進めば(ショート・カットの highway)
If I head out straightaway (shortcut highway)
心にまかせ(信じてみなきゃ それまで)
Leave it up to my heart (In the meantime, I must believe)
答え探しに行こう(見つかるまで どこまでも)
I'll go look for an answer (everywhere, until I find it)
無限の秘密 かかえてる末来
The future, bearing boundless secrets,
僕らがゆくのを 待ち構えてる
Awaits for us going forth
We are Dancing in the space.
We are dancing in the space
What's breaking loose?
Not even God knows
We are Dancing in the space.
We are dancing in the space
Intersecting skillfully
It's a Nonstop! Nonstop!
It's a nonstop! nonstop!
Nonstop Big new WAVE.
Nonstop big new wave