Translation of the song Dragoi Bola Z Kai – endinga euskaraz artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Dragoi Bola Z Kai – endinga euskaraz
Dragon Ball Z Kai – Basque ending
Bizitza bizi dezagun gogotsu,
Let's live the life enthusiastically,
Amets egin, izan zoriontsu!
Dream and be happy!
Zeruan ez dago mugarik,
There are no limits in the sky,
Munduan ez dago antzekorik.
There is nothing similar in the world.
Goazen hegan, eman eskuak.
Let's fly, hold hands.
Tira, zatoz gora!
Come on, come up!
Hemendik ikusten dena hain da ederra.
Everything looks so beautifully from here.
Mundua babestekotan dugu borrokatu beharra!
We must fight in order to protect the world!
Eraso! Jo gogor Kame Hame Ha!
Attack! Hit by strong Kame Hame Ha!
Ezergatik ere ez etsi!
And also, do not give up from anything!
Geurea dugu garaipena elkartzen bagara.
If we unite, the victory is ours.
Bizitza bizi dezagun gogotsu,
Let's live the life enthusiastically,
Ezergatik ere ez etsi!
And also, do not give up from anything!
Maitasunaren indarrean sinetsi!
Believe in the power of love!
Zoriona erdietsi!
Become happy!