Banoa hemendik zeru goian zehar! (Goian zehar!)
I am going from here above in the sky! (Above!)
Larala, hamabi margo biziz jantzita!
Dressed in twelve alive colours!
Sumendi garretan biribilka (Biribilka!)
In the flame of volcano doing flips (Doing flips!)
Banoa lur galdutik betirako.
I am going to leave the Earth forever.
Jo eta den hau apurtuta ihesi.
(Somebody) hit and left all of this broken.
Inor bada betor
If somebody wants to go
Muturrak hautsi eta zapaltzeko!
To hit the face and press!
Neu-Nagusi! Hi-Jo-Eta-Hautsi!
I am the winner! Hit and break!
Ez dit inork egingo barrerik, nire lepotik!
Nobody will make laughter
Neu-Nagusi! Hi-Jo-Eta-Hautsi!
I am the winner! Hit and break!
Igerian ez dago arrainik, irabaztekorik niri!
There is no a fish
Neu-Nagusi! Hi-Jo-Eta-Hautsi!
I am the winner! Hit and break!
Ez da sortu munduan munstrorik, ni jatekorik!
In the world there is no a monster
Neu-Nagusi! Hi-Jo-Eta-Hautsi!
I am the winner! Hit and break!
Beti dut irria ezpainetan, irabazten dudanetan!
I always have a smile on my lips