Translation of the song EなE artist Dragon Ball (OST)
A Good Thing
目を覚ませ ただいま参上
Wake up! I'm home to visit
呼んでるぜ! 時代がオレを
I'm calling!
These times give me a light step
Everything's O.K. (so there's no problems!)
必殺の技 力 とびきりキレる……oh!
When I get mad - incredible, lethal skills and power... oh!
EなE 気分もE ポーズキメて
A good thing - even this feeling is good, striking a pose
EなE カッコもE オレの出番 1992
A good thing - even my form is good, it's my turn - 1992
手をあげろ ヤりたいヤツは
He who wants it, raise your hands!
聞こえるか? 時代の声が
Can you hear it?
The voice of these times will not be restrained
Everyone is K.O. (then let's do it!)
全開の夢 希望 キミなら出来る……oh!
Full-throttle dreams and hopes - if you can do it... oh!
EなE なんでもE やりたきゃやれ
A good thing - everything is fine, do it if you want
EなE ダメでもE キミの自由 1992
A good thing - anything is fine, your freedom - 1992
Don't hold back!
Everything's O.K. (yeah!)
全開の夢 希望 キミなら出来る……oh!
Full-throttle dreams and hopes - if you can do it... oh!
EなE 気分もE ポーズキメて
A good thing - even this feeling is good, striking a pose
EなE カッコもE キミの出番
A good thing - even my form is good, it's your turn
EなE なんでもE やりたきゃやれ
A good thing - everything is fine, do it if you want
EなE ダメでもE キミの時代 1992
A good thing - anything is fine, it's your era - 1992
...1993 ...1994 ...1995 ......1999!