English, Japanese
Good Night My Blue
English translation
Good Night My Blue
Good night mother.
Good night, mother
Though I'm departing
また会う時まで どうか安らかに
Please be at ease until we meet again
緑と 風と あの笑顔と
The greenery, and the wind, and that smile
All of it, plays a symphony upon the earth
守りたい 目の前の青い輝き
I want to protect it, sparkling blue before my eyes
What an irreplaceable star you are
Good night my Blue.
Good night, my blue
遠く離れて今 はじめて気付いた
Now, so far away, I've noticed for the first time
The depth of your heart
大地も 海も この体も
The land, and the sea, and this body
Everything is one, one life
絶え間なく この瞬間(とき)も愛を実らせ
This time and love endlessly bear fruit
What a great miracle you are
Good night mother.
Good night, mother
Good night Blue.
Good night, blue
Embrace your dreams...