Translation of the song あとはSilence… artist Dragon Ball (OST)
The Rest is Silence
優しくされたら かなわない
If you act gently, nothing can compare
あんたはあんたで あたしはあたし
I am me, as you are you
素直になるには 百年遅い
It's a century too late to be honest
好きだよなんて 言えるわけないだろ
How on earth could you say you like me?
バカ その気になるなよ
You idiot... this is bothering me
感謝なんか してないからナ
Because I get no thanks from you
Hold on! The rest is silence...
――しっかり夢を 叶えなよ――
--You won't make this steady dream come true--
Hold on! The rest is silence...
――Thank you ずっと そばにいたいよ――
--Thank you, I want to be near you always--
一緒にいたけりゃ 好きにしな
When we're together you do whatever you want
明日は明日の 風が吹く
Tomorrow is tomorrow, as the wind blows
ちょっとやそっとじゃ マジになれない
Not slightly or softly, you can't be serious
あったかすぎて 落ち着けやしないよ
It's so hot that I can never relax
バカ そんなに みつめるな
You idiot, don't stare like that
幸せってやつに 殺されそうさ
Seems like the happiness is killing you
Hold on! The rest is silence...
――二人の夢を 育てよう――
--I seem to care for this dream for two--
Hold on! The rest is silence...
――Thank you いつも みつめてほしい――
--Thank you, I want to gaze at you always--
Hold on! The rest is silence...
Hold on! The rest is silence...