Translation of the song アクアリウムの夜 artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Aquarium Night
きみの瞳(め)に ライトが揺れてる
In your eyes, the light is shaking
Gently, like the moon
人の波 ガラスの向こうで
A wave of people, on the other side of the glass,
Pull like the tide
水族館(アクアリウム)にも 静かな渚
And at the peaceful water's edge of the aquarium
二人泳ごう Little Sea in Little Love
The two of us should swim, little sea in little love
四角い海底に サークル描き
Drawing a circle in the square-shaped bottom
どんな世界でも 愛は生まれる
But what a world this is, where love is born
二人泳ごう Little Sea in Little Love
The two of us should swim, little sea in little love
吐息 泡ツブ 真珠に変えて
A deep sigh in the foam changes into pearls
二人泳ごう Little Sea in Little Love
The two of us should swim, little sea in little love
二人泳ごう Little Sea in Little Love・・・
The two of us should swim, little sea in little love...