Translation of the song アサ・ヒル・ヨル・キミ・ボク artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Morning - Afternoon - Night - You - Me
アサ起きてメシ食って 走ってウンドウ
I wake up in the morning and eat breakfast, then go for a run
ヒルが来てメシ食って ネコろんでベンキョ
Afternoon comes and I eat lunch, then take a break to study
ヨルが来たメシ食って フロ行って寝るど
Night has come and I eat dinner, then go take a bath
キミが来たメシ食った? ボク食った アソボ!
You've come, will you eat something? I've eaten. Let's play!
それで疲れた? それじゃ疲れる!
Well, are you tired? Now, you're getting tired!
元気だしなよ! ほらほれほらほれれー
I feel fine! Look here, look here--
手を握れば 友達だ
When we hold hands, we're friends
手を握れば 青春だ
When we hold hands, we're young
みんなここで 親友だ
We're good friends with everyone here
みんなここで 青春だ
We're young, with everyone here
オデコくつけ 親友だ
We'll stick together - we're good friends
オデコくつけ 青春だ
We'll stick together - we're young
指を鳴らせ 友達だ
We'll snap our fingers - we're friends
指を鳴らせ 青春だ
We'll snap our fingers - we're young
足を踏んで 友達だ
We'll step forth - we're friends
足を踏んで 青春だ
We'll step forth - we're young
膝を叩け 親友だ
We'll smack our knees - we're good friends
膝を叩け 青春だ
We'll smack our knees - we're young
頬をビンタ 友達だ
We'll slap our cheeks - we're friends
頬をビンタ 青春だ
We'll slap our cheeks - we're young
飛び出せれば 青春だ
When we can fly forth - we're young
駆け抜ければ 青春だ
When we can race around - we're young