Translation of the song ドラゴンONDO artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Dragon Beat
Everybody Dance tonight
Everybody dance tonight
ドラゴン ONDO
Dragon beat
あ、どうした!?(1)…… あ、どうした!?(2)……
Ah, what's up!? (1)... ah, what's up!? (2)...
あ、どうした!?(3)…… あ、どうした!?(4)……
Ah, what's up!? (3)... ah, what's up!? (4)...
1, 2, 3, 4
嬉しい時は 右手を上げて
When you're happy, raise your right hand
悲しい時は 左手上げて
When you're sad, raise your left hand
両手上がれば 人生バンザイ!!
When you raise both hands, hurray for life!!
こいつぁ 春から縁起がいいねえ
This is a good omen from spring
That's just how the world is!
くやしい時は コブシを握り
When you can't take it anymore, make a fist
お腹すいたら おむすび握り
When you're hungry, grab a riceball
握り通せば 人生手の中!!
Life is in your hands if you let it into your grip!!
そいつぁ 一生安泰だぁ
Then you've got it made
That's just how people are!
祭りだぁ 祭り 踊れやぁ 踊れ
It's a gala, a gala - and a dance, a dance
Anyway, life is a party~~
ワッショイ ワッショイ(ワッショイ ワッショイ)
Wasshoi, wasshoi (wasshoi, wasshoi)1
Gutsショイ Gutsショイ(Gutsショイ Gutsショイ)
Guts-shoi, guts-shoi (guts-shoi, guts-shoi)
Let's go do it!!
「ハァ~~▽ カラスが鳴いたぁ~~」
Ha~~ ♥ the crow has cawed~~
誉められたときゃ 頭カキカキ
When you've been praised, it goes to your head
叱られたときゃ お尻カキカキ
When you've been chewed out, it goes to your butt
上下かいたら モンキーダンスだ!!
When it goes up and down - it's a monkey dance!!
こいつぁ まったくおめでたい
This is a totally happy occasion
As for humans, their origin is monkeys!2
祭りだぁ 祭り 輪を描いて踊れ
It's a gala, a gala - forming a circle and dancing
So the earth is perfectly round~~
ワッショイ ワッショイ(ワッショイ ワッショイ)
Wasshoi, wasshoi (wasshoi, wasshoi)
Gutsショイ Gutsショイ(Gutsショイ Gutsショイ)
Guts-shoi, guts-shoi (guts-shoi, guts-shoi)
ドラゴン ONDO!!
Dragon beat!!
「ニャア~~▽ 仔ネコが鳴いたあ~~」
Meow~~ ♥ the kitten has squeaked~~