Translation of the song ドラゴン・ワールドへようこそ! artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Welcome to the Dragon World!
Look, over there! Now, over here!
上等な夢の続きへ 遊びにおいで
Come and visit, in the rest of this wonderful dream
神様もお祭り騒ぎ 浮かれ Funky Shake
Even God is having a good time at the party, funky shake
オトギ話よりも フシギ詰め込んでる“DreamBall”
This dreamball has more mystery crammed inside than a fairytale
未来の鍵を みんなみんな 光に変えて
Changing the key of the future - all of it - into light
Everybody,Welcome to the DRAGON WORLD!!
Everybody, welcome to the dragon world!!
[It's New World]おいでませませ
[It's new world] So come on
Everybody,Welcome to the DRAGON WORLD!!
Everybody, welcome to the dragon world!!
[It's New World]宝探しへと
[It's new world] To search for treasure
まだ未だ見たこともない 世紀の果てに
To the end of a yet-unseen century
つながってる扉は一つ 君の Fine Heart
The door that connects one to your fine heart
同じリンゴだって 違う角度で見りゃ“Newton”
But it's the same apple that Newton saw from a different angle
自由の鍵は きっときっと どこにでもある
The key of freedom is surely, surely around every corner
Everybody,Welcome to the DRAGON WORLD!!
Everybody, welcome to the dragon world!!
[Magic World]なんでもありあり
[Magic world] It has everything
Everybody,Welcome to the DRAGON WORLD!!
Everybody, welcome to the dragon world!!
[Magic World]ゴキゲン神龍国(シェンロンワールド)
[Magic world] Cheerful dragonballs (Shenlong's world)
Look, over there! Now, over here!
とっておきの世界 明日もっと広がる“Dreamland”
The best world is a dreamland stretching further into tomorrow
未来の鍵を ずっとずっと 胸に抱きしめ
In your heart - always, always embracing the key of the future
Look, over there! Now, over here!