Translation of the song 夜明けの子供たち artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Children of the Dawn
青い空切り裂いてく 太陽の子供たち
Cutting through the blue sky, are the children of the sun
輝くその瞳 今 何を探して
Their eyes sparkling now, searching for something
風に消え嵐になる 大地の戦士たち
The soldiers of the earth become a storm, vanishing into the wind
見えないその力 今 光に変えて
Their unseen power now changing into light
時の流れの中 生まれ育った場所で
In the stream of time, they were born and raised here
誰の為でもない 自分が生きる為に
Not just for anyone, but for them to live
信じた道をゆけ それが時代になる
Go the way you believed, that will become an era
出来ない事はない それが世界になる
You can't fail, that will become the world
傷つき倒れても今 闇の中子供たち
Though they're wounded and fallen now, the children of the dark
手探りで進んでゆく 力まかせに
Feel their way forward, relying on their power
夢の行方求め 今 夜明けまで戦士たち
The soldiers now protect the outcome of their dreams until dawn
言葉さえなくしてゆく 加速をつけて
Going so fast that they can't even speak1
時が流れて今 何も出来ないけれど
Time passes now, although they are helpless
誰の明日でもない 自分の明日の為に
Not just for anyone's tomorrow, but their own2
やるだけやればいい それが自信になる
If you're gonna do it, just do it - that becomes confidence
振り返らずにゆけ そして星が変わる
Go without turning back, and you'll change the stars
時の流れの中 生まれ育った場所で
In the stream of time, they were born here
誰の為でもない 自分が生きる為に
Not just for anyone, but for them to live
信じた道をゆけ それが時代になる
Go the way you believed, that will become an era
出来ない事はない それが世界になる
You can't fail, that will become the world
出来ない事はない 何時でも信じてる
Always believe you can't fail
信じた道をゆけ 何時でも待っている
Always wait to go the way you believed in