Translation of the song 永遠の地球 artist Dragon Ball (OST)
Eternal Planet
Softly try to search...
この星には 宝物がある
There's treasure on this star
To the point of overflowing with greenery
おいしい水や さわやかな風
And delicious water, and a fresh breeze
Think! でも輝きは永遠じゃないのよ
Think! But this sparkling is not eternal
知らないうちに いつか失う物がある
Unbeknownst to us, at some point, something will be lost
二人の愛も 求めあわなきゃ消える…
And if we don't desire our love, it will disappear...
Try to perk your ears...
心にだけ 音楽が響く
The music echoes only in your heart
The sparkling comes together gently
空気のワルツ 心臓のビート
An aerial waltz, the beat of your heart
Think! でも人間は永遠じゃないのよ
Think! But the human race is not eternal
守っていなきゃ すぐに壊れる物がある
If we don't protect it, it will suddenly be broken
この静けさも 黒い炎に染まる…
Even this quiet is dyed with a black flame...
Wow あなたが好きだから 地球の夢
Wow, but I love you
I want to believe in the planet's dreams
Wow あなたといつまでも 紅い夕陽
Wow, forever with you...
I want to see the red sun