On this water-colored star
僕たちはいま 夢を分け合えた
We now share a dream
触れ合えた愛 奇跡を感じて
We feel the miracle of love having touched us
生きる歓び そして哀しみ
Joy and sorrow are alive
すべて勇気の源になる 君よ走れ
Everything becomes a source of courage - you run
忘れないさ 離れても魂呼び合うから
Never forget, because my soul will call out even if we're separated
Let's make a promise
That we'll meet again even if a millennium has passed...
The stairs of the future
つまずいてふと 傷つくとしても
Tripping suddenly, but even if you're injured
生命(いのち)ごとまた 強くなれるはず
Yet every life seems to become stronger
永い宇宙の いとなみの中
Within the universe's long life
人は自分と闘いながら 進化してく
While people fight with themselves, we're evolving
歩いてゆこう 乗り越えた傷みを誇りにして
Let's walk on, taking pride in the injuries we've overcome
Let's make a promise
That we'll meet yet again on this blue planet...
君の心の奥に 消えぬ宇宙があれば
If you have a universe within your heart that will not disappear
僕は光になって いつだって翔んでく
You will become light and fly forever
側にいるよ 離れても魂君とともに
I'm near you - even if we're separated, my soul is with you
Let's make a promise
Until the end of time, we'll have the same dream